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Messages - Dawn@dusk

Pages: [1]
Using psychic on a dark type. Using explosion or selfdestruct in a double battle when your other pokemon doesn't know detect, protect, dig, or fly.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: worst pokemon ever!
« on: October 23, 2011, 23:03 »
i'm surprised that people didn't say magickarp. anyway i think smeargle is the worst. only able to imatate the move that was just used. it's so stupid. and it also keeps learning sketch over and over again. this pokemon is so annoying. then theres shuckle. it takes shuckle so long to take down pokemon an then when it uses power trick its attack gets really boosted but it gets so easy to knock out. i hate these two pokemon.

General Pokémon Discussion / Re: Magikarp's Awesomeness
« on: October 23, 2011, 21:55 »
you cannot describe how awsome magickarp is. If was the very first pokemon i ever caught. in case your wondering i caught it in pokemon diamond. :D

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