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Messages - LoneWolf1538

Pages: [1]
PKMN.NET / Re: Name Rater Database Always Full?
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:19 »
Aha, thanks, sorry I took so long to reply.
(Also Lord Raven that sounds veeeeeery familiar to someone on another forum I go to... Same username and everything.)

PKMN.NET / Name Rater Database Always Full?
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:23 »
Hi, I'm pretty new here, and I've wanted to post a nickname for a Pokemon. Several, actually. However it seems that the database is literally always full every time I try. Is there a specific time, or date where there's less submissions? I hate to be picky, but I'm quite good(in my opinion) at coming up with nicknames, so I'd like to get them rated. :/

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