Author Topic: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]  (Read 18573 times)

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #120 on: September 13, 2013, 11:40 »
((Alright, good to know. I'll just wait on the sidelines until I can start))
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Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #121 on: September 17, 2013, 10:01 »
Jade clapped at Steel's victory, throwing a pleasant smile his way.  Then she looked at Sidney to reply.  After all, when asked a question she would answer; no reason not to unless you wished to be rude.  However, she was at a loss for an explanation.  She had never thought about that when she left home.  Jade had only seen the competitive and social aspects of being a trainer.  She hadn't considered much about what Pokémon went through other than to care for them and heal them when they were harmed.

"It is... strategic.  Trainers always raise and train their Pokémon to be strong and excel at... uh..."  Jade rubbed her temple and squeezed her eyes shut.  "I... suppose I have no real answer to give, Sidney.  None that would satisfy you, anyway."

It's too hard to think here.

"Sidney, do you feel strange here?"  It felt like a foolish question.  This was the same thing Jade felt when Faye was about to surprise someone, or when she saw a glimpse of a ghost Pokémon that no-one else could see; she didn't think anyone else felt things like this.  "I really, truly feel uncomfortable here."
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

Offline Cody999

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #122 on: September 17, 2013, 17:42 »
I guess I'll have to find my own answer.
"A gym badge?" Remarked Sidney, looking at the badge "Are they just there to show you beat a gym or do they do anything?" He asked.

"Strange? No I just think this place isn't safe." Sidney replied to Jade "I mean now Steel has won the battle can we leave?"
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline Steel Winters

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #123 on: September 18, 2013, 23:19 »
"Eh?... Oh yeah, sure... We can leave I guess." Steel rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Riiight... How about we just... get on out of here, then?..." Steel took a step towards the door when he heard a loud creaking noise and shuddered, frozen in place. A tall pillar from high up in the tower flew down towards the ground. Steel leaped backwards, away from the falling pillar. A Pokemon in the tower spotted Jade and Sidney, and swooped down from above on long wings, it looked awfully strange as it latched onto Jade and Sidney, a ball with tentacles wriggling around as they latched to the two, a thinner upper body, long wings, horns... It just generally looked awfully strange... Anyhow, it saved the two from a falling pillar; whether or not they could help themselves. Steel was trapped on the other side of the pillar. Whitney was able to escape before the pillar collapsed, of course. After the Pokemon had saved the two from near doom... The dust began to clear... Revealing that, rather than one odd Pokemon, it was two. Noctowl and Shuckle. The Noctowl released itself from the Shuckle's grip and fluttered to the ground, it looked curiously at the two odd-looking people it had just saved from... falling pillars.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 12:01 by Steel Winters »

Offline Cody999

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2013, 23:00 »
Sidney blinked at the fallen pillar and then looked at the Noctowl and Shuckle "Thanks!" he said to the Pokemon "Although where'd you two come from and why'd you save us?" Sidney asked. Then, he looked around for Jade and Steel, he could see Jade nearby, but he couldn't see Steel "Steel!?" he exclaimed.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline Steel Winters

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #125 on: September 21, 2013, 23:22 »
"I'm uh... I'm alright... I think" Steel coughed... "What was that thing that came by?..." Steel attempted to climb the fallen pillar, but it was too thick to crawl over. "Just... Hold on! It's probably not a good idea to move the pillar... Who knows what else could break... Sorry I got you guys into this mess... I'll see what I can do to try and get out" Steel's footsteps could be heard as he walked around the pillar, observing it quietly. "Uh... Hm... Yeah... I'll just wait here for a bit I guess. Sorry... But... Sidney? Jade? Do you think you could take my Pokemon?... Just for a bit, take them over to the Pokemon center and whatnot? I'll be fine on my own... The place seems quiet." Steel rolled three Pokeballs through a small crack underneath the pillar. "Take care of them... I'm keeping Munchlax just in case." Steel knocked on the pillar for a bit, "Alright... Just head on out... I'll join you in a minute."

Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #126 on: September 22, 2013, 10:46 »
Jade had a horrible feeling about this.  That feeling inside the Burned Tower wasn't helping her feel any better either.  There had to be a way to get him out.

"I am not just going to leave you in there!  That tower feels horrible!  It feels like... like..."  Jade shook her head violently to get rid of the though and made a fruitless attempt to move the pillar.  With a frustrated growl she stopped and took a step away.

"There has to be a way in."  Then Jade looked up and saw an opening, gaping hole high up in the tower.  She just needed to get up there somehow, but there was no way she could climb.

Jade paused, then looked back at the Noctowl that had saved them.  Maybe she could fly up there.

"Sorry.  It looks as though I won't appear too grateful right now.  Cody, take Steel's Pokémon to the Pokémon Centre and bring them back as soon as possible," I say quickly, pulling out an empty Poke'Ball.  "I'm going to try and help Steel inside.  Faye?"

Faye reappeared in front of Jade, grinning at the Noctowl.
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

Offline Cody999

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #127 on: September 22, 2013, 16:15 »
"Right I'll get them to the center." Said Sidney as he picked up Steel's Pokeballs, although he didn't look very happy for some reason. Sidney then left the tower and looked around until he saw the Pokemon center. Sidney ran towards the center, not paying any attention to people around him.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

Offline Steel Winters

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Re: The New Johto Journeys! [P][AD][C][Pw]
« Reply #128 on: September 23, 2013, 01:38 »
Steel sighed, "Alright... You work on pulling us out from in here... Munchlax and I will relax for a bit." Steel chuckled. The Noctowl seemed to understand what Faye was implying, it is a rather intelligent Pokemon after all. It launched upwards from the floor, gaining altitude at an extremely high speed; the Noctowl soared over the Burned Tower and flew through a large hole in what's left of the ceiling. It reached Steel and clutched his shoulders, tugging upwards gently. Steel shouted to Jade, "Hey! Is this guy the one who saved you?..." Steel recalled the Munchlax to it's Pokeball. "Alright... I guess it's saving me as we--" The Noctowl started flapping its wings and raised Steel upwards at a speed that is still quite high. The Noctowl soared through the hole once again, and dropped Steel to the floor within a foot from where Jade would be standing. "Huh..." Steel rubbed the back of his neck. "What a... Helpful Pokemon... Hm?" The Noctowl flapped its wings and landed on Jade's shoulder, it made a contented hooting noise after it had relaxed. Steel rolled a normal Pokeball in Jade's direction. "That Noctowl seems to like having you around, and quite a lot it seems." Steel stretched a bit.

A Loud crash came from inside the burned tower, some more pillars appeared to be collapsing. "Wha-huh?" Steel looked back towards the tower, an ominous light flickered, and a shadow passed by a crack in the wall. "I don't like this at all, Should we get moving?" Steel looked a bit rattled. And Jade would (possibly) feel the presense of some ghost Pokemon inside the building. The Noctowl hooted warily at the building.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 22:03 by Steel Winters »