Author Topic: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]  (Read 24217 times)

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2015, 21:37 »
"Well," Jamie said "it sounds like as a whole we have the strategy pretty much down, and I'm completely fine with going up front alone - I was never that good at working in a team anyway." He shot a covert glance at Anna, who'd always insisted on teaming up with him. She caught his eye and frowned but then the moment passed and Leo was talking about being ready to go.

Anna and Jamie started shuffling like a pair of kids waiting for their parents to be ready. They checked and rechecked their packs while they were waiting.
Credit to Inferna for the teacup Chatot

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #76 on: July 10, 2015, 15:36 »
((Just a small bridge as I prepare a larger post))

"Well, seeing as your sister is here with you, I suspect some team play was probably the cause of it." Leo eventually retorts, which is uncharacteristic of him. He put down his flute long enough to check his pack and secure his staff correctly, then secure the ax, as the flute required two hands. "Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to be the pied piper minus the rats and the death, hopefully." he takes his place up front and to the left of Chris and continues to play an assortment of music.
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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #77 on: July 10, 2015, 22:15 »
"Yeah, that should be fine," Fay replied to Chris. She walked over to Anna. She figured that since they would be in the middle together, she may as well join her now. "Hey, so I guess we'll be traveling together, right?"

Mira also replied to Chris, "As long as they are fine with having me around, I'm fine with it." She took a place close to where Chris and Leo were, a short distance behind them, waiting for the rest of the party.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #78 on: July 12, 2015, 20:35 »
"I don't mind taking the back. It doesn't make a difference to me," Theo said to Mira, but her gaze shifted off to the rest of the group towards the end of her statement. "I think Jasper will be able to sense danger from behind fairly easily," she added, looking down at her bear. He was sprawled out on the ground with his eyes closed, clearly uninterested in all the the tactic-speak that was happening around him. "I'm also going to read a bit of this tome, so it's probably best nobody gets stuck behind me."

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #79 on: July 13, 2015, 04:35 »
With the marching order established,  Andy strolled over to the people she'd be sharing a line with, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement to get moving. For some reason she couldn't describe, it felt right to be here. She slung her pack (it was really more like a satchel,  probably so it wouldn't interfere with the bow or quiver), back over her shoulder, and held the bow comfortably.

Chris looked around the group carefully. It was quite possible that not everyone would make it home. She'd do everything in her power to prevent that, but they were being thrown to the wolves with basically no training besides whatever they'd learned at home.
"Right. If everyone's in agreement about their positions, we should head out. If anyone's getting to the point where they can't continue, just speak up and we'll do whatever is possible to help you out." She said, shrugging her shield down her arm and into her hand.

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #80 on: July 13, 2015, 04:40 »
He plays until Chris speaks up and nods. However, Leo's feet felt like he could climb a mountain in record time. He just felt faster. Woah.... awesome flute... Leo stows the flute in one of the pockets of his robes and unstraps his ax and holds it in his dominant hand. "Aye! Ready when you are ma'am." Leo says.
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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #81 on: July 13, 2015, 15:17 »
Some of the others looked ready to set out on adventure. They were rocking on their heels, or getting their equipment set, or awaiting a command. Chris seemed to be taking the leadership position well.

"Well everyone looks ready. The map says we should head out that way. Let's get a move on; we're burning daylight." Mocedad said. He started walking toward the path, but stopped to wait for the others. He'd hate to face the first encounter alone.

((Should we just advance the story a bit? Kinda seems like we're all standing around saying we're ready or thinking of strategy.))

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #82 on: July 15, 2015, 03:15 »
((I agree with you, on that, once everyone goes off, me might just timeskip on an agreed upon time. If anyone has a suggestion for that, tell me, because I have no idea))

Leo was starting to get a little impatient. I wonder what kind of monsters are out there. Will they be classic medieval monsters? Will they by shadow imps a bit like those from Kingdom Hearts? What are we facing? I just hope that we start out easy with the monsters because I don't want to be bossrushed as soon as we step onto the path. I don't feel like dying tonight. I hope they hurry up, I want to get on with this.
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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #83 on: July 19, 2015, 11:54 »
Chris looked around the group one last time, then nodded and began to walk. "Come on people, we're wastin daylight!" she called over her shoulder, trusting that everyone would follow.

Andy started moving as soon as Anna, Jamie and Fay were on their way, positioning herself between Mira and Theo, to have the best coverage for front and back. Besides,  marching order could be reformed later. As if inspired by Leo, she started to whistle a song, not feeling the need for stealth as yet.

((sorry for group gmod. Blaze told me to get things moving since Chris does leadership position))
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 11:57 by OpalRhea »

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2015, 02:01 »
((And I did. It's fine, as it allows me to make a more plot relevant post))

The groups starts through a forest. Oh look, a good stereotypical first place to start a journey. It's a pretty forest that doesn't at all seem very threatening at all. So it lulls Leo into a bit of a hypnotic daze as he walks on, admiring the scenery. Enough time passes with idle chit chat as they walk through the woods that Leo gets very bored.

Unluckily, that was about to change.

A bush nearby rustled and it jolted Leo to his senses. He looks around, but nothing else really happened. Weird...... The group keeps walking for a couple more minutes, then another bush rustles. Suddenly, a weird and slightly ugly looking creature steps out, holding a stick, in front of Leo, who stops. "Um, guys, what the hell is a goblin wielding a stick doing in the forest?" he asks. The goblin stares at him, puzzling.

Then it charges him.

He barely brings his ax down to block the attack with the flat side. "I guess that's what." Leo finds himself staring at the goblin, who stared back at him. "He seems to be alone." It strikes again with the stick, and it connects with his leg, and a small pain shoots up it. Now he realizes that stick had thorns on the end, much like a spiked club. Leo didn't know if he was bleeding, but he knew it poked a hole in his robes and ripped a part in the pants underneath. "Well damn. It seems like I have been spiked. Little punk." Leo takes his ax and hits it in the head with the flat. It's dazed. Then he slices at it, connecting with its arm. The goblin didn't like that and fled. "Done already?" he half asked, half taunted. It goes quiet for a moment, and five more goblins step in front of the group, along with an orc. "Ok.... well. Nice to see the stereotypical enemies of any rpg out to attack. Guys, I hope you're ready to fight." They start for the group.

((Ok, hope they learn quick. Opal, if you're reading this, I know this isn't how we planned it, but I kinda forgot how it went so I just made it up. Everyone just know that not every monster is suicidal, so most will flee if you do enough damage to them. K? K.))
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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #85 on: July 22, 2015, 20:02 »
The goblins chattered about with their ugly words, and the goblins spread out a bit in a weak flanking attempt. Theo's heart was pounding, and she glanced down at Jasper to see him staring at the ogre, absolutely terrified by its size. "It's alright Jasper, we'll just get some of the goblins..." She focused her vision on the goblin the most of the edge of the group, and noticed a vine falling from one of the overgrown trees. Uhh... I'm not sure how to use this magic... Theo thought, reaching her open hand forward. "Alright... bolg gréine," she muttered under her breath, as the vine began to grow down. The goblin seemed unaware that Theo was making the vine move, so it was easy for her to manipulate the vine around the goblin's ankle. Theo clenched her fist, making the vine wrap around the goblins foot tightly. Crap! I can't pull him up or anything! I don't know a spell for that!

"Jasper, attack that goblin!" Theo commanded. Jasper looked at the thorned stick, and then back at Theo. "Just do it! You'll be fine!"

 Jasper ran forward, and the goblin began to whack Jasper with the stick, but Jasper's fur was too thick to cause anything but blunt damage to him. Jasper went for a bite on the goblin's ankles, which the goblin reacted to with a whack of his stick to Jasper's head as Jasper bit down on the unchained ankle. Jasper took the hit with a whimper, but when the goblin struck again, Jasper caught the stick in his mouth. Jasper yanked the stick out from the goblin's hand, throwing it in Theo's direction. Panicking, the goblin lunged forward towards his weapon, tripping himself on the vine wrapped around his ankle. The goblin fell face first to the ground, causing Jasper to react by jumping onto the goblin's back. Jasper mauled him as best as a small bear cub could, meaning he caused some bites and scratches. The goblin kept yanking his leg that was attached to the vine, eventually breaking free. The goblin fought the force of the bear cub off of his back, returning to two feet, and running back into the jungle.

"Good job Jasper!" Theo said to her bear, who immediately took off after the running goblin. "Jasper, no, return here! There's more!" Jasper immediately did a one eighty, and stood at attention for Theo's next order.

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #86 on: July 24, 2015, 00:29 »
"A fitting place," Mocedad thought "to be ambushed. Let's see if I can hold my end of the bargin." The Dragoon looked around to see the goblins and an orc spreading themselves around the party. They'd be flanking them if they weren't outnumbered. Mocedad stepped in front of some of the group and lifted his spear in a ready stance.

"I'm ready for some combat." Mocedad called back to Leo. One of the goblins raised something that looked like a small club and rushed at the Dragoon with a battle cry. Mocedad lunged forward, holding his spear out towards him. Just before coming into range, he spun around, turning his stabbing attack into an attack in a wide arc in front of him. The goblin was caught off guard and knocked down. It had a gash on the side of its face where the edge of Mocedad's spear had struck it, though it wasn't a deep cut as the Dragoon hadn't hit him with the blade.

"Hrah! That'll show ya!" Mocedad jeered.

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Re: [AD] [PA] Dreaming in the Past [F] [PW]
« Reply #87 on: July 25, 2015, 21:22 »
While everyone else hurried off to fight their first enemies, Leo quickly checked what goblin number 1 left him with. Hm..... It's mostly a scratch, it is bleeding, but that must be the slowest trickle i've ever seen. It'll clot quickly, then I can clean it up. Just gotta hide it until then.... It didn't look like anything major that would impede his progress, so he left it. However, the new goblin that approached his side of the group intended to leave more lasting wounds, and it had the weapon do to it. An even bigger stick, this time without thorns. "Aww..... that's want to battle?" he taunted. The goblin charged at him, attempting to sweep at his feet. Leo jumped and kicked it with his left foot. It stumbled towards the middle of the pack. He smirked for a few moments, then his smirk turned to a look of horror. D-did I just hit that thing towards Fay? After I made it a point of putting her towards the middle? Am I that stupid? Leo went back after it.
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