Author Topic: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon  (Read 7652 times)

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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2017, 18:27 »
i really liked marenie/toxapex 


gen II people you just can't trust cos they're weirdoes. who the hell actually likes gen II. gen II did have steelix and scizor and also the creepy unown radio channel tho which i rlly liked. they never developed on unown like ever.

I adore Mareanie esp. the Aether bit when they're like oh "we need to protect Corsola from nasty Mareanie" and I'm literally stood there with a Mareanie in my pocket soz

Also as a gen II baby I'm both shook by the rudeness and by the accuracy lol

If this was true, then couldn't they just use the snes? Those were still around at the time, weren't they? And they had better graphics and sound!

Ya but if they used the SNES I don't think they could have called it "Pocket Monsters" lol
Credit to Inferna for the teacup Chatot

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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2017, 19:55 »
I have several Cleffa with Aromatherapy and Metronome. Some are Male with Cute Charm and a couple have Magic Guuardd.  Bred and hatched them myself. Not sure if Natures and IVs are ideal since I don breed for them. I am willing to trade for any offers.
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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2017, 21:09 »
To simplify what i think sapphirerobin was saying, when you have two different things, people are going to prefer one over the other, and gen 1's designs are definitely different from a lot of the later ones. Sure, nostalgia is probably the main reason people prefer gen 1, but its likely that there are people who genuinely just prefer its sense of style.

I've yet to hear from those people. Nostalgia is indeed pretty strong though and not many people will comment on it beyond "it was a simpler time." The style of Gen 1 is overall not too different from Gen 2, and Gen 3 blends in but it uses much more complex concepts for its Pokemon.
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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2017, 21:34 »
The style of Gen 1 is overall not too different from Gen 2, and Gen 3 blends in but it uses much more complex concepts for its Pokemon.

This is a good point actually - and I think the people who exclusively like gen 1 are almost always just nostalgic, as as you point out there's not a huge difference between 1, 2 & 3, certainly not to the extent you can massively prefer one over another (short of nostalgia or /possibly/ if you like really love 6-7 Pokémon from one which is what makes it your favourite I guess?), but certainly in my experience the people that prefer gen 1 but still like other gens (maybe not all other gens - I think almost everyone has an off-gen) tend to be less nostalgic and more on the design route.

gen III people are pretentious self-important melodramatics who took the pokemon mystery dungeon "you're the SPECIAL UNIQUE CHOSEN GIFTED ONE" thing a little too literally

Are you implying I'm not the special unique chosen one? 0_o
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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2017, 21:37 »
I've yet to hear from those people. Nostalgia is indeed pretty strong though and not many people will comment on it beyond "it was a simpler time." The style of Gen 1 is overall not too different from Gen 2, and Gen 3 blends in but it uses much more complex concepts for its Pokemon.
Generation 1 was OK, with it's ups and downs, not forgetting the limitations! I don't know whether it's because I haven't played much of it, but generation 2's pokemon sucked a bit (not completely, though!) Generation 3 was perfect! Not too simple and not too overcomplicated!
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Re: My thoughts on the Pokemon of Sun/Moon
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2017, 22:01 »
This is a good point actually - and I think the people who exclusively like gen 1 are almost always just nostalgic, as as you point out there's not a huge difference between 1, 2 & 3, certainly not to the extent you can massively prefer one over another (short of nostalgia or /possibly/ if you like really love 6-7 Pokémon from one which is what makes it your favourite I guess?), but certainly in my experience the people that prefer gen 1 but still like other gens (maybe not all other gens - I think almost everyone has an off-gen) tend to be less nostalgic and more on the design route.

Gen 3 and 4 used complex concepts for animals and legendaries; Gen 5 was a return to the simplistic designs of Gen 1. I think more Gen 1 people would like Gen 5 if it was solely a design thing. It depends on who you are talking to, because I think Gen 3 and 5 had my favorite set of new Pokemon (and Gen 7 is getting there).

(Gen 6 is lame though, not that they're bad, but Gen 6 in general felt so weak to me)
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