Author Topic: Jason Blackstock [2]  (Read 1638 times)

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Offline K.I.O.S

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Jason Blackstock [2]
« on: February 15, 2012, 14:16 »
((Wanted to make a new character hope that's OK?))

Character name: Jason Blackstock


Gender: Male

Description: Jason is around 5ft 7" in heigh and has a rather muscular build (you know six pack, big shoulders, traps the usual.) He has really short black hair (almost a skin head but not quite) but isn't bald and hates being called so, and wears a diamond studded earing in his left ear. His usual clothing he wears consists of a dark gray undershirt, with a slightly lighter gray hoodie, he also wears dark blue jeans which are nearly black in colour and white Ben Sherman trainers.

Personality: Jason is sort of a loner, he hates interacting with people and can normally only keep up a conversation for a couple of seconds before going off. He is also quite sarcastic only really speaking when he feels the need to make a joke, he can also be seen as quite grump as he normally goes off for walks on his own and tends to moan allot.

History: Jason's father is a rather rich businessman of Petalburg City so his family are quite well off, you can spot his house a mile away as its slap bang in the middle of the city and is the tallest building around. When Norman took up the post of Petalburg City gym leader his father was the first to welcome him. Jason wanted to go along to meet the new gym leader and perhaps get some advice about being a trainer, but his father wouldn't allow it. Being who he was Jason was as one of the richest kids in town, Jason was known by almost everyone in the city he couldn't do anything without his father knowing, or people always would let him win at certain events because they'd think his father would invest money into their wild ideas. Not knowing wheter they would be real or fake Jason didn't have allot of friends growing up, he also didn't have a very good relationship with his parents mostly his father, they were either too busy going do dinner or meetings with the towns fellow business people, or just going to fancy dos which Jason was never invited too.

One day Jason was on the outskirts of town skipping rocks across the water before hearing a rather loud coughing noise coming from behind him, he spun around to check who it was, he saw an old man he was rather skinny and sported a bald head and a long gray beard, he also seemed to be quite well off as he dressed in a suit and tie but used an old wooden cane to walk. "Yes can I help you?" Jason asked he knew practicly everyone in town and this man seemed like a new face, perhaps a passing visitor on his travels.

"You cannot help me, but I can help you young man"
the man grinned revealing a rather toothless smile.

"Oh really? And how can you do that I've got everything I've ever wanted and everything I've ever needed how can you help me?"
Jason smiled back rather cockily as he folded his arms.

"Yes you do have everything you want.....apart from friends"
the man responded as he walked forward to look at the sun setting on the lake. "Beautiful don't you think?" he smiled once more.

"Who are you?" Jason asked as he too looked out at the lake.

"My name is not important only this"
the old man responded by handing Jason an orange egg. "Inside is a Pokémon, Pokémon are friends who will never let you down they'll love you for who you are not what you are, and will always be there to proctect you"the old man explained before he turned to walk away. "Oh take these as well....go on a journey of you're own collecting Pokémon friends and battling alongside them, you'll find you won't need anyone else just as long as they are by you're side" the man handed Jason six Pokéballs and a blue gadget of some kind. "You use those to catch you're new friends with and that is a Pokédex, use it to record the data on any new friends you find" the man explained before walking away.

"Wait!" Jason called as he ran after the man he grabbed the man on the shoulder but he dispersed in a mist of some kind and was no where to be seen. Suddenly the egg started to move and cracking, a little hole appeared at the top before it was made bigger and bigger suddenly out popped an orange lobster type Pokémon, who seemed pleased to meet Jason as it scuttled around his feet.

Jason remebered what the man said about the device and flipped it open and pointed it at the lobster. " Corphish the ruffian Pokémon. Corphish is a water type Pokémon.Once it grips prey with its large pincers, it will never let go, no matter what. It is a hardy POKÉMON that can thrive in any environment."

Jason also remembered what he said about the six Pokéballs that the man gave to him, he pointed one at Corphish in a beam of red light he was sucked inside the ball, which Jason seemed amazed at and as the sun setted behind him he stared into it.

Friends and enemies: None


Corphish (m) @ N/A
[Jolly/Shell Armour]
~Rock Smash

Corphish was received as an egg from a strange old man that Jason met in Petalburg City, it hatched the very same day. Corphish is Jasons first Pokémon and in someways his first friend, he is the complete opposite to him in many ways. He is rather happy-go-lucky and always seems to be smiling, he also loves to interact with other Pokémon and trainers. He tries to get Jason involved in group activities and hates to see him on his own, or upset and tries to cheer him up in anyway he can.

Electrike (m) @ N/A
~Thunder Wave

Electrike was caught just outside Slateport city. Upon arrival Jason was attacked by Electrike who knocked out his Corphish, he was attacked a second time by the same Electrike when travelling along the route to Mauville City. Electrike is a rather hardy Pokémon who's bravery defines itself, he'll do anything for Jason and will battling till the end not giving up for a second. He is also very smart and can often sense situations before Jason can.

Baltoy @ N/A
~Rapid Spin
~Mud Slap

Baltoy was caught north of Mauville City in the desert. Baltoy is Jasons third Pokémon and attacked him when Jason disturbed its sleep, Baltoy is a rather intelligent battler and can sense situations long before Jason or anyone else, he'll sometime disobey Jason and do something else if he feels it's the right move to make and Jason was going to make the wrong one.

Key items:
x13 Pokéballs
x1 Premier Ball
x3 Para Heals
x3 Burn Heals
x3 Antidotes
x3 Awakening
x3 Full Heals
x5 Potions
Blue Pokédex
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 17:33 by K.I.O.S »
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Offline Liam

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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 15:51 »
Hey there, nice to see you wanting to add another character. :)

However, I can't accept this particular character profile under these terms:
  • You need to proof read your writing and use the spell checker. There are spaces missing, wrong words being used and you even forgot the "r" in shirt which has led to a bit of an oopsie. ;) Make sure you read over and use the spell checker!
  • Your writing, particularly in the history looks a but messy. You've started talking about Mikey, your other character, and your ellipses has extended to way more than three full stops!
  • I'm honestly very unsure about your character's history. Making your relation to the Mayor of Petalburg puts me off, as does the relation to other NPCs such as Norman. I'd really consider re-thinking your character's approach.

Sorry about that, but I just can't approve your character right now. Please do try again though, you've got some good material to work from. :)

Cheers dude, Liam~

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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 16:02 »
Yeah sorry about that was typed up rather quickly, I have another idea of what do to with his history so I'll sort that out shortly.

Should be alright now.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 16:10 by Kicking It Old School »
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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 15:25 »
Okay, you're APPROVED

Offline K.I.O.S

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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2012, 17:07 »
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 02:41 by Kicking It Old School »
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Offline K.I.O.S

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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 12:37 »
  • Caught an Electrike just outside Slateport City.
  • Retrieved the missing Torchic.
  • Arrived at Mauville City.
  • Caught Baltoy in the desert.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 11:47 by K.I.O.S|Rocket Crab »
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Offline K.I.O.S

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Re: Jason Blackstock [2]
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 21:23 »
  • Trained with Baltoy against Michael and Nathan.
  • Picked up a stack of supplies from the Pokémon mart.
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