Author Topic: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]  (Read 28425 times)

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Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« on: August 12, 2013, 21:55 »
Plot: Several generations ago, rivalry between Night and Day warlocks nearly destroyed Equinox, the city in which this RP is set. Now, around 100 years later, some have forgotten the terrible events of that time, and the city is starting to stir. Fights between warlocks are making daily life in the city harder and harder, and so many mundane citizens have had to gain fighting skills to survive.

Location: Equinox is usually a nice city, similar to London. It has a fairly plain climate, little bit of rain occasionally, but for e most part dry and about 25oC in summer. It is effectively London but in an alternate Earth. There are a fair amount of alleys, which is where the fights started, however they've spread even into the high street.

Magic:: This bit is mainly just to give you an idea of what extent of power magic is in this RP. Magic is divided into two halves, Night & Day. Night isn't evil, by any means, it is just more about being subtle, and doing underhand tricks to gain the upper hand. Day is more focused on direct damage, and has a particularly large aspect of Pyromancy involved. The specific types of magic will be described below.

Necromancy: Death Magic - Night - The only truly evil magic, it usually involves calling on spirits and tormenting them into doing your bidding. Only a particularly seasoned necromancer would be able to summon a body back to life, and it is likely they would have to have devoted there whole life to necromancy.

Pyromancy: Fire Magic - Day - Raw destructive magic, fireballs tend to be the first thing a novice pyromancer would learn, and most Day warlocks can conjure one. Warlocks that are devoted to Pyromancy can conjure more impressive creations, the most famous conjugation was a flaming tiger, by Blake Phoenix, a pyromancer from the original wars.

Telekinesis: Displacement Magic - Night - Truly the magic of pranksters. Most warlocks are capable of lifting light objects from up close, but a seasoned Telekinetic warlock is capable of undoing complex locks from afar, and even pulling planes down from the sky.

Geomancy: Earth Magic - Day - Basic level geomancers are able to split rocks, which isn't very impressive, and so most geomancers tend to quit before learning high end spells. The greatest geomancers are capable of creating fissures down streets, but very few have achieved this feat and lived to tell the tale.

Divination: Fortune Magic - Night - The warlocks of this Lore are able to see into the future. For most beginners, this is only a second or two, giving them the advantage in hand to hand combat. Even for some that practice for years, they can only see a few days. But the very greatest of diviners can not only predict, but alter the future, although to a very small extent.

Biomancy: Life Magic - Day - Control over plants, and even there own genetics. Beginners can force instant growth in a plant, although it takes a lot of energy to do so, but greater biomancers can turn their flesh to stone, and other equally impressive feats.

(If you would like another type of magic, please PM me and I might add it, but it depends on the magic)


-> No God-modding, without prior permission from the person on this thread. I won't accept permission that was sent via PM.
-> No Power-playing, you are not the most powerful character, everyone is intended to have roughly equal capabilities, although the spread of this power will change.
-> No Limelighting, at least, not to a ridiculous degree. I don't mind a little bit if its only you and one other person online for quite a while, just keep it sensible.
-> Posts written in character please, as in first person.

Posts should be kept between 2 & 20 lines, this is only a guide, and is not a set rule, and this only applies to posts where you are RPing.


Name: (This can be a clever play on words with your power, a name you like, or even your real name)
Age: (Keep it realistic, but I'll say anything goes)
Gender: (Male or Female, obviously)

Physical Description: (at least 5 lines, please)

Character Description: (at least 5 lines again please. This is to describe you're characters personality and the like.)

History: (Include where they grew up, their family, and anything else relevant)

Magical Hemisphere: (Night or Day, see magic section)

Spread of magic: (Score out of 10 in each area. Maximum 5pts overall for the opposing hemisphere, and 15 for your own. (As in 15 across the 3 kinds of magic in your hemisphere), day warlocks must have at least 2 Pyromancy, and night warlocks must have 2 Telekinesis. Also note, the 5 & 15 are maximums you may have less)

Other: (anything else you'd like to add)


Other Information

Please put speech in "speech", thoughts in \\thoughts\\, and out of character stuff in ((out of character)), actions in *actions* and lastly, stuff to do wi the scene in <scene>(Note, these don't apply till the RP starts)

Please feel free to ask questions, and please point out anything I'm missing, as is is the first RP I've started. I'll write up my form and post it once I'm done.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 03:05 by ディック »

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 22:34 »
Name: Edan
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Edan is tall for his age, about 6 feet even, however is small and does not weigh much, many people classifying him as a lightweight. This is because Edan overworks himself constantly and does not lets himselp gain excess weight. He has sightly tanned skin, and has dark blonde, almost brown hair. Despite his magic type, his eyes are a deep, blue. For some reason, he sometimes walks with a slight limp.***  He always wears a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and fingerless gloves.

Character Description: Edan is a hardworking, never-say-die, kind of person. He is very likable and loyal to the friends he makes. Sometimes, he is over protective and tries to interfere in a fight if he is worried his friends will be hurt. Edan is also constantly on the move, preventing him from making many friends. Yet, he himself is reckless, constantly throwing himself into every adventure he can.

History: Edan first lived in a small village near Equinox with his parents, as an only child, he was forced to make friends. As he turned 13, his parents were killed by a mysterious figure, and said figure kidnapped him. Edan was then, forced to learn necromancy, but escaped his kidnapper. He then went and sought out help from another master, who taught him his current magic. Now, he searches for the person who kidnapped him, and took his parent's lives.

Hemisphere: Day



Pyromancy 10/10
Geomancy  3/10
Biomancy   2/10


Necromancy* 5/10
Telekinesis     0/10
Divination      0/10

Practices slight necromancy from his time while being held captive. **

*   See history please
** What he said ^
*** What * said

Carries a staff made of tigerwood named Wild Blaze. It gives him power when he is weak or near death, it practically revives him. However, after the energy fades, he is rendered unconscious.

Has a great interest in the stars.

Hands and body glow (with fire) when angered, scared, or sad.

(VERY IMPORTANT!): Sometimes his mortal body will stop moving, eyes will glaze over and he will see pictures and hear voices that are not there. Some are memories, others are for events to come.... 
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 20:26 by ShinyBlaziken2000 »
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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 22:37 »
That's fine, but one small thing, maybe I didn't explain it well enough, but by max 15 day, I meant as in 15 across the 3 (as in, 5 in each, or 3,5,7 or whatever). But if you change that, it's fine. (And the same with night, however that is 5 across all 3).

Having just the first name is fine, it doesn't particularly matter.

Anyway, I've done my form:

Name: Nikolai Phoenix
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Around 5'10" in height, not too short or tall, he is fairly thin for his age and height, but somewhat surprisingly strong for his build. He has dark brown to black hair, which is quite long, he has it styled in a way similar to this:

As for clothing, he tends to wear dark clothes, usually a dark pair of jeans, a shirt, and a denim jacket. When he wears jackets, he always has the collar up. For shoes, he usually wears black leather shoes, usually with no laces or Velcro.

He has deep, azure eyes, which often make people more comfortable round him. Although both his parents were fairly tanned, he is very pale, to the point he looks ill. He has very little in the way of facial hair, it just never started to grow.

Character Description: Although he is easy to talk to, Nikolai trusts few, mostly due to his history. He always assumes the worst will happen in every situation on the inside, but will act cool on the outside. He would never do anything to harm anyone, and will often go out of his way to save even his enemies.

Most people like him, even though he is often cold towards people, people just seem to be able to see through him, and realise that even though he tries to act cold, he is actually a kindhearted person.

History: Lived with his family until 3 years ago, when they caught him practicing Night Magic, they kicked him out and refuse to speak to him, and so he now lives with one of his friends, who's whole family practices Night magic. This friend is one of few people who Nikolai trusts, but Nikolai still acts slightly cold towards him, mainly because he noticed he was developing feelings for him, and had to push him away to stop it going further, as Nikolai doesn't want anyone close to him, as he thinks he's toxic, mainly because of his parents.

Magical Hemisphere: Night

Spread of magic:
Pyromancy: 5/10 (Learnt from when he was with his parents)
Geomancy: 0/10
Biomancy: 0/10
Telekinesis: 3/10
Necromancy: 3/10
Divination: 8/10

Other: Nothing else of note.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 02:17 by ディック »

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 22:43 »
There, my character is fixed.
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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2013, 23:53 »
Ok, your character is good to go then, just need to wait till we have a decent amount of people (~4 and I'll allow the RP to start, but keep joining open for a while)

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2013, 02:11 »
oh boy ive been waiting for something to jump into here
hahahahaha!!! laughs!! i now have an excuse to use one of!! my favorite ocs!!!

Name: Rebbekah J. DuFresne

Age: nnn i believe previously she was 16 but lets up that to 18

Gender: female

Physical Description: ho boy
Rebbekah is a tall girl, her legs making up a majority of her height. This is the only thing that's striking about her body type, however, as she's fairly average everywhere else and sort of rectangle-shaped. Her hair is white and very fragile, but she insists upon keeping it long and tied back. It falls out easily and is dry and frizzy under the black bows she uses to tie it back in segments; from her head to the length of a ponytail is one tie, down to the middle of her back with another, and the rest of it lays frayed out at the end when she's not feeling fancy.
Her eyes are a pinkish colour, giving her a sickly appearance to match her pale skin. Her albinism does keep her out of the sun and give her a weakness to most types of Day magic.
The only constant in her wardrobe are her worn out boots, her bows, and a leather glove on which her red tailed hawk Enza sits when she allows him to.

Character Description:
Rebbekah used to think she was invincible. Now, much different from the rest of society as it seems, she's mellowed out a little. She's fallen back from her urge to take things directly to an underlying, mischievous path.
The only animal she can stand being in contact for a prolonged amount of time is Enza, and even he gets on her nerves often. It's not hard to tick her off, but it is hard to keep her angry and riled up. She tends to calm herself in habit after a short amount of time and is not violent for very long. For the five or ten minutes she is hostile, however, it's best not to encourage this behavior.

She led a life that was almost too normal for this world. Her future sight skills are only very brief and she does not believe it's magic at all, just a quirk in which she can inference what will happen very accurately. She has no visions, only distinct thoughts. This never altered her life at home.
Until she was twelve, she knew some people knew magic. She had no will to learn any, though, because who wanted to make plants grow? Who wanted to make candles dance? Maybe everyone else, but not her. Then she learned that rather than plants, she could make the dead sprout, and instead of candles, she could make spirits dance for her with only a little bit of... encouragement. She practiced Necromancy alone for years until her fiery spirit took control of her and urged her to teach the people who used Day magic and "nice magic" what her brand could do. Her parents never wanted much to do with her anymore afterwards, and she made do with her tortured souls she kept near her. Now she just wants to bounce back, make a reappearance on the scene.
She claims to be a new-found pacifist, but she breaks her own rules almost constantly and can hardly be called so.

Magical Hemisphere: Night

Necromancy: 9/10

Telekinesis: 3/10

Divination: 1/10

Other: her hawk, Enza??? owo

really she used to be a huge mary sue but maybe i can redeem her here yeah

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?


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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2013, 02:14 »
That forms great! She certainly doesn't look like a Mary Sue in this thread, and I'm sure you'll be fine ;D

Anyway, you're in!

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2013, 02:16 »
And she beat Draghost for necromancy!
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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2013, 02:40 »
I'll do my form when I get home :-)


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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2013, 09:31 »
Ok, that's on Thursday, right?

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2013, 09:34 »
Please save me a spot. Bring back the glory of 2010. :)
I am your master.


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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2013, 09:36 »
Haha, I will, just post up the form whenever you can write it.

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2013, 13:40 »
Necromancy has been taken, Draghost.
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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2013, 13:43 »
Necromancy has been taken, Draghost.

You can have multiple necromancers, providing its not too similar to anyone else's spread. (For example, if he chose Necromancy: 9/10 Telekinesis: 4/10 Divination: 1/10, that'd be too close to Rebbekah's, as it only gains one point in Telekinesis, and everything else is identical)

The reason for this being, if I only allowed one of each warlock, we'd limit the RP to 6 people max, whereas this allows for a greater amount (whether we get that many or not)

But it would be more interesting if people would try and choose different specialities.

Just on a side note, you don't have to specialise, you can do a equal spread of 5/5/5, or any spread at all.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 15:19 by ディック »

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Re: Arcane Rivalry [J] [Pw]
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2013, 01:11 »
Name: Matt Lancaster
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Standing at 5'6", he has a fairly athletic build, from the hours he's spent jogging and exploring Equinox. He usually wears a faded pair of jeans, with holes in the knees, and a plain tshirt. He also wears an old pair of trainers, with bright green laces. His glasses are scratched and battered to the point they barely do their job anymore and thick black tape covers the arms.

Character Description: Typical of people who concentrate on telekinesis, he is a fun loving prankster. He spends his time exploring or figuring out new ways to mess with people. He doesn't like to be sat still for too long and will get very irritated if forced to do one task for too long. He tends to make light of  any situation, even joking around in the face of danger. He definitely considers himself a people person and always tries taking to anyone he finds interesting enough.

History: He grew up in Equinox, where he spent his time doing what he could to entertain himself. He discovered using telekinesis to wind people up was an effective way of doing this. Since then he's practiced telekinesis, pushing himself further and further each day.

Magical Hemisphere: Night

Spread of magic:
Pyromancy: 3
Geomancy: 0
Biomancy: 2

Necromancy: 3
Telekinesis: 10   
Divination: 2
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 00:35 by Moon Chaser »