Author Topic: The Bastion [C][Pw]  (Read 9300 times)

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #45 on: October 15, 2013, 22:12 »
I am ready to begin.  I can not wait to play as Penny. =3
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #46 on: October 15, 2013, 22:21 »
ermagerd dark knight rises was a GREAT MOVIE WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT- er

but yeah thanks i have literally no idea why it took two posts i guess i wanted to make an ok character and i'm used to like 17 pages of character??? uh well thank you for letting me in i am honored

but i love mashing my face on the keyboard y cant you let me do that it's how i write all of my posts D: (kidding i'll make sure my posts are gr8 and can be responded to)

and oh yay i can't wait 8D

EDIT: also question where do we begin? are we all already members or...?

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Reluctant Wailord

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2013, 22:30 »
DKR was an alright movie which is why it was disappointing you uncultured

If I recall,  friend of mine got kicked out of a Gaia Online RP.
For posting too much.
As in, they made TL;DR posts. Which is kind of odd seeing as they never really posted more than five paragraphs a pop.

I'm not stopping you doing that. I'm telling you, no entry if you're just going to go all Chris Brown on your keyboard.

I'm thinking we're all just being dropped off at the first area via air transport. We'll know each other and each other's powers, but on a personal level, we'll be farther apart than the pieces of a small animal after  it steps on a landmine.

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #48 on: October 15, 2013, 22:41 »
still better than iron man 2 tho, right??? iron man 2 was a disaster

and yikes i guess i'll have to trim down a bit ahaha i have never had a maximum word count this is very honoring =D I'll be concise and to the point!

But of course I'll be calm no worries~ KeyRihanna is safe (today)

And good sounds neat, that helps it a lot. ^-^

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2013, 22:56 »
But even Iron Man 2 was better than M. Night Shymamallamasama's Last Airbender movies. That was some terribad movie stuff right there.

Just don't make us look bad, otherwise there will be consequences. Dire ones. Like me not talking to you.

Don't you mean Keyhanna?

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2013, 23:11 »
I'm ready to start this thing. Let's do it!

Offline Private Delano Donut

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #51 on: October 15, 2013, 23:41 »
oh, theres other people being excited?
then yeah, i am too!! excited!! let's do it!1!!1

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2013, 00:02 »
Well, in that case... let the games begin.

The standard drone of the air transport’s engine and rotors sounded, though some recent advances and redesigns had made it so that people could actually talk to each other in the vehicle, instead of having to shout incoherently over headsets. This would likely prove fairly important later on – after all, having a team of superhumans, aliens, and whatever came with them without allowing them social interaction with each other sounded like a pretty bad idea on paper. Especially when you took into account that they were probably going to be stuck together for an indeterminable amount of time, before their replacements were found.

Al-don sat, twiddling his fingers, just waiting for them to touch down. It wasn’t the enemy he was worried about – he’d proven able to punch clean through them on multiple occasions, as long as he got his technique right. No, it was just the standard beginner’s nervousness. New place, new people, and an objective he’d not been given that long to train for. Nevertheless, eh had a job to do, and if it helped him save his adopted homeworld, then it was all the more reason to fight. If any of his teammates were nervous about him being on board, he wouldn’t blame them. After all, he was the one dressed up like one of the things they were supposed to kill – the only thing distinguishing him being the colour scheme.

Eventually, he decided to speak up – he wasn’t exactly the best at starting conversations, but he could at least try. He wasn’t going to spend the rest of the journey sitting in silence, hoping that somebody would say something. The last time he did that, he very nearly ended up blowing someone’s legs off. Nobody ever really spoke of it afterwards, but then again, nobody really wanted to.
“So,” he asked, glancing briefly over the various misfits around him, “It’s our first mission together. Anyone got any idea about what we’re facing down there?”
It was pretty obvious that nobody higher up would divulge the information to them without good reason. And, though none had been given, speculating would at least pass the time.

Offline Private Delano Donut

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2013, 01:23 »
Allison's gaze moves from the floor to Al-don. She look especially wiry, greasy hair tied back in a bun on her head and covered with a cap and face grim. Even though she wasn't trying to display a certain emotion toward him, it could be taken as if she were angry or annoyed with the sound of his voice over the engines.+

Why not be the first to speak to him? She didn't feel as if she had any right to grope in the dark for what exactly they'd be doing, so she tried to cut the conversation off. With a shuffle of her wings, she says, "I'm not worried."

She hadn't had any time to delve into the mechanics of her own body over the whole course of the useless "training" they received, and barely knew anyone sitting around her. She absolutely despised the idea that such a well planned mission had such a near due date to their recruitment, and while she wasn't worried about herself, she was a little anxious to see if her 'teammates' were up to the task. It wasn't quite her superiority making her wonder, it was slight concern for the health of the group, if only for her own image.

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2013, 03:01 »
"Look at them. Have they seen combat? Lets hope so. Training wasn't helpful; not enough emphasis on important things." Jason thought to himself, stretching his arms and shoulders a bit.

"Maybe it's a trust exercise. Close your eyes and fall backwards, I'll catch you." Jason responded, looking away to nowhere in particular. His tone was a mix of sarcasm and irritation, though neither were aimed at those who would be his allies. The battle-hardened man wasn't too excited about this assignment; the information wasn't clear to him. A soldier needs orders and that's it.

He had the sudden urge to smoke a cigar, something he hadn't done in a year.

Offline MzLuluZombi

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2013, 08:07 »
Penelope had not yet made any motion to indicate she had heard them.  She preferred it when it was just the hum of the aircraft filling her ears; it was almost peaceful for her while she stared at the helmet resting in her lap.  To the others she was doing nothing; in her head, she was searching through the technology of the visor, trying to adjust the UI.  There was something about the setup that bothered her since take off.

Maybe I'm just nervous.  The interface should work fine.  I designed it, after all.

All around her she felt tech pull at her senses.  The craft, the computers, the robotic armour she was strictly ordered not to research and study.  Penelope must have been nervous; it had never bothered her before.  Either that, or she was annoyed about the very little intel she had received.  She should have hacked the base's systems as soon as she arrived.  Maybe then she wouldn't feel so in the dark.  No doubt the rest of this team got the same handful of a briefing, too. 

Speaking of the team, she didn't know what to do about them.  They most likely didn't think much of her, even if they were aware of her 'talents'; she was the youngest and physically weakest of them.  Penelope had already deemed herself the smartest of them.  Was there a point in joining the conversation with strangers?

I have a job to do.  I could at least make an effort for the sake of it.

She took her helmet in her hands and tossed it in the air.  When she caught it, she made up her mind.  She raised her head, not focusing on any particular point of the wall, and spoke for the first time since meeting her teammates.

"There are Mk5 enemies below us, but not many.  There are others, but I can only guess that they are Mk4 or MK7s."  They were always too similar in design, especially from a distance.  Penelope gave her helmet another check before she placed it over her head.  Her voice came out through a filter when she added, "This may be a trust exercise on their part.  They wish to test our usefulness to see that we're not a mistake."

There was a long pause.  Penelope fidgeted a little, then felt the need to add, "I'm only guessing, though."
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 07:45 by MissLuluZombie »
RubyRobin: Would a morph with Grumpig be able to do his swag dancing?
RubyRobin: Yaaaaaay!!! I shall do Grumpigs swag dance aaaaaaaaaalll day xD
Quote from: The Entertainer
So uhmmmm, you quote yourself huh?
.......not weird at all kiddo :p

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2013, 14:53 »
yeah lmao the airbender movies sucked and i'll make you look goodddddddddd and yeah Keyhanna, whats her name again

also my post sucked for some reaosn i apologize

Mariana sat quietly, head tilted towards the ceiling. Every so often her legs uncrossed and recrossed, or fingers tapped against some surface. Usually, it was the motorcycle helmet she held in her hands, ready to put on. The impatience had sprung in her core from the get go. Whilst it had abated to some small degree on meeting her prospective teammates, it had boomeranged back into focus once the air transport had begun. So she'd taken to remaining silent, eyes flickering from one to the other in observance.

She'd noticed the the man with the strange device on his wrist first, and whilst she'd been curious she'd made no indication of this, nor had she asked - if it was important it'd be explained at some point in time. Then they landed on the woman seemingly staring at her helmet, and flickered to the others in turn. Small details were taken in - how they dressed, how they seemed to act - and inwardly she was analyzing again. She'd not said a single word since boarding the ship, simply watched.

Her eyes followed the conversation that had finally - albeit haltingly - started, which made her 'job' significantly easier once they'd all started to converse with one another. And finally, at least some of the information was given. She looked over to the technopathic once again, expression blank. So this one had a voice filtering helmet. Grand. She'd have to be aware of that. In the brief silence she spoke up herself - testing the water.

"To make sure we were actually listening in training, no doubt." Marianna monotoned, before her eyes moved to rest on Jason once again - he definitely seemed capable of fighting, perhaps he'd be the wildcard in the team. Perhaps.

But this was an assumption. Marianna was aware that it could very much be wrong, too.

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Offline Cody999

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2013, 16:55 »
List of Participating People
Reluctant Wailord: Al-don/Tin Soldier
MissLuluZombie: Alice/Circuit Breaker
Private Delano Donut: Allison Westerly/Lina
Poison2007: Mariana Paulina Santos/Santos
The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA: Jason Guerra/Nacatl

So am I in this or should I just go away?
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.

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Re: The Bastion [C][Pw]
« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2013, 23:20 »
Cody, I asked you to address something, but you never replied. You're not in because you never responded. If you did, point me to your response. I'll be happy to put you on if you do.

Al-don, though mostly machine, seemed to visibly shrink at the scathing replies directed at his question. He didn’t really blame them, though, for the responses they delivered. They fit together about as well as square pegs into a triangular hole – all at the same time, no less. He was fairly certain that their powers hadn’t even been taken into account, only the fact that they actually had them. Al-don said nothing, now that he had practically been told to shut it – it seemed as though his teammates didn’t really appreciate conversation, or just preferred replies befitting child soldiers. Al-don slumped a little, and waited to land.

The responses the machine-inhabiting gelatinous blob received did not serve to make him any easier bout the body he had taken over. It was a good body, there was no denying that – solid, relatively lightweight metal, moved fluidly, and was pretty strong as well. He was just afraid somebody would panic, and he’d end up inhabiting nothing more than a metal coffin, if he was still alive afterwards. He himself tried not to make a sound, but he could not prevent the sound of his body vibrating against the air transport’s metal interior – not a major annoyance, but in the silence, it would likely evoke some irritation.

A voice eventually sounded over the intercom – fortunately, it didn’t deliver the new that they were all going to die horribly in an unexpected crash. Instead, they were probably going to die horribly on the battlefield, as they had reached their destination.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the pilot spoke, “Thank you for boarding today. We will be dropping you off a short distance from the actual occupied area – we can’t drop you off directly, as they’ve got the skies covered too well. Frankly, we're pushing it as it is. Sorry about that. More importantly, you may wish to grab your side pouches, where you will find basic first-aid kits. Just remember to radio us when you’re done – we’ll take it from there.”

With that, the transport opened, revealing the landscape they were to traverse.

It wasn’t a particularly special area – in fact, the only thing of note seemed to be the village ahead of them. Otherwise, the area was just a vast, green expanse of field, with the occasional flower, or a crater left by an explosion. The village was within walking distance, and with the binoculars they had been given, they could see the place fairly clearly.
Al-don grabbed his pouch – its uses for him limited to administering I to others – and walked out, hoping nobody would have to be carried back. It was, frankly, a little humiliating for him.

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Re: The Bastion [J][Pw]
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2013, 00:20 »
Oh I addressed that ages ago and I must have just forgotten to notify you. Sorry for causing any problems.
Sup ~ I RP and stuff.
Also called Cody on err... pretty much everything.
When I play Pokemon I follow my personal Rule: I can only use Each Pokemon once across all games that I can transfer Pokemon across. I have used 108 different Pokemon I think.