
Best idea? (round two)

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Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: October 22, 2013, 22:31

Author Topic: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check] [Poll Added For Anonymous Voting]  (Read 3353 times)

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Yeah, uh, title. Oof, so much enthusiasm. I have no idea how to go about this without sounding like a MASSIVE IDIOT OH DEAR NOOOO but it's going to happen anyway so who cares.

Quote from: someone reading this thread
i do

sorry :(

Anyway I have some.. general ideas, I suppose, of 'subjects'. I'm going to discuss plots later in this post so.. hold on.

Wall of text incoming, just be prepared.

1. Homestuck... or at least Homestuck based.
Dude, I just love this fandom. How can you not? Chainsaw wielding vampire RAINBOW DRINKER queens, people getting their arms taken off forcibly from their body because they paralyzed this guy and then that same one armed person blinding someone in revenge and then getting beat up by a dead robot girl thing? AWESOME. Totally. uH, aND THE QUIRKS, tHeY aRe ArE aWeSoMe ToO. HONK! glu8- okay i'll stop.

As for the 'plot' of the homestuck series... wow, it's hard if you haven't read it. TIME SHENANIGANS. Four kids that only know eachother through the internets get sucked into their game because meteors are destroying their earth, because some selfish other planet (Skaia) needs to be rebuilt. Sounds.. boring, right? NOPE. Because they meet these weird alien things called TROLLS and some of them are RIGHT OUT ANGRY FARTS like Karkat, and then there are some :3<< *ac meows and promptly explodes into flames* really cute characters too.

Their objective is to build their way to glory awesomeness, I suppose??? And then save this Skaia planet and die or something of the sort. Of course, the RP that would spawn from this probably would be a 'custom' AU or something, like some other session or something, since I don't think anyone would be particularly interested in canons? Eh. I might be wrong. I'd personally be interested in making a parallel session... or perhaps one during the Ancestor's time, or something. It would have to be pretty toned down since this isn't one of those mature sites, of course (which means whoever plays Karkat gonna have a hard job eh. Terms of language, mind. Trolls in general as they're quite violent!)

Or... we could do one in general involving a video game, perhaps something to do with internet friends. Wow, internet-ception much? Okay. I suppose this is all up to.. the topic posters, hahaaaaa. Maybe they get sucked into the game and have to escape it somehow.

So on to the next one because I still have no idea of what I'm doing.

2. World of Warcraft is this really awesome game and while it already has it's own bustling RP community already, sometimes people want to branch out and try... generally different forms in the same universe, I suppose?

There's a few things to wonder about with this one. First, RP on this forum would be freer than it is on the RP servers. Which means that yeah, if it's following lore it would probably go. There'd need to be a story line and I think I already have one, but it's too much bother to write it out of nobody has any interest in this one because this one really does need you to know the series a bit.

Then there's LORE. It's a huge topic on the WoW rp servers itself. It's the story behind it, shapes your characters and what they do, etc. Which (unfortunately) means that the son of Arthas is not a valid character choice, for example, or a half night elf half octopus monster. (Disregard nagas, that's something else entirely).

I'd wager therefore, that this RP itself with be literate and those wishing to participate need to know the lore to some degree, if they wish to include it. Perhaps.. too advanced. Maybe it alienates like 99% of the board and I'm just sat here casually typing away to people who won't read this.


Anyway this list could go on forever, but I have a third option.

3. Teen Titans RP.
Hey look, a sane option. Based after Teen Titans, perhaps, and characters could be like honorary titans or they're all a new team or something. I had one idea for a plot based off what I think was a fanfiction - all of the villains get free from the flash freezing, more pop up, to the point where the titans have to split up and hunt them all down instead of happily being stationed in one place. Obviously that period of time may be bad for RP unless people take on secondary characters for villains and they get paired up to different people, but then.. yeah. Maybe the RP will be set after it's down to the last few villains so that it could be one of those RPs that have multiple threads due to length. I loved those.

Or, if that one doesn't work, then there's the generic 'high school with people that have powers'. I mean I always love those sorts of RPs too, but a nice new plot would have to be worked on.


Yeah so comment away if you desire, are any of these ideas good? Terrible?

EDIT: Poll's running, discuss as you wish.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 14:29 by Poison2007 »

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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 23:27 »
I'm not too interested in the first two, but the third one definitely sounds like the kind of thing I'd join.


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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 23:28 »
1&2 sound okay, but I don't really know enough about them.

3, on the other hand, I something I know plenty about, and of course I'd love an RP like that! But would people take an existing TT member, or be a new recruit, or what? I think maybe having all members from all times would be a possibility (although completely out of continuity, but what the hey...)

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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2013, 23:56 »
ive been in a bunch of homestuck-esque roleplays and i think itd be fun so thats up to you: i really like the idea of the in-a-game thing. maybe i'm a huge dork, but a zombie thing would be really fun. maybe a survival kind of game, like minecraft with some actual, idk, other living mechanics added into the mix.

but the third one with a little bit of plot thickening would be really cool yeah?? i havent watchen teen titans in forever but i know that i absolutely love it and i would very happily read up and watch episodes just to be EDUCATED on the subject yknow so join.
besides that i have a lot of characters with ""superpowers"" that would be gr8 to use

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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2013, 02:29 »
Hmmm..... I know a bit on #3, but nothing to 1 and 2.


#1 seems like something I'd like, survival and stuff, so, why not?
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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 04:49 »
I know a bit about Warcraft lore, though not enough that I'd be able to make a great character in #2.

Honestly, #3 seems like an easier choice (although I know there are some here who are BIG fans of Homestuck). At least, it would have a higher chance of success. I guess we could go down the route of forming a group after encountering each other or what have you. You know, the "united against a common foe" thing.

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Re: [DISC] Some Ideas yOOO [Interest Check]
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2013, 13:10 »
ive read some homestuck so i could maybe do that because TaLkInG lIkE tHiS iS aWeSoMe
i know nothing really about 2 and 3 sooo :P

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Yeah in either case there'll be this super detailed plot which may or may not be all revealed at once, depending on how it goes. Obviously each one has a different idea for a plot, but depending on what everyone's wanting on top of that it may change, which is why I'm not stating it /all/ right off because they may be influenced by it or think that it's not flexible, you know?

As for the game one, that sounds pretty cool. Maybe it's like an IRL.. version of Minecraft (Or, well, real life? eh.) Set after some sort of apocalypse and if people really want powers we can incorporate that, haha. Internet friends turned apocalypse buddies for a survival and end up with powers? Nuts. But also a little awesome if used right. In a survival setting more commonly seen 'useless' powers (Vocal Replication, night vision, entering someone's dreams all on their own for some examples) could add another facet to it too. People would have to work together and the like and it could be great, I have ideas already, yoooooo.

Heck it might not even be totally apocalyptic yet, maybe it's dystopian and people escaped into the forest that barely knew each other but then had to make houses and blah de blah. Might encourage older characters which is good.

The ideas from multiple ideas could be combined too - maybe we don't have to stop at apocalypse, or even go there. What if they'd started to discover powers but then somebody in the group accidentally pulls them into a game of some sort, and they have to defeat it to get out? Does that sound fun or bad?

OR yeah the apocalypse thing could be like... 2017 game of the year and it's so detailed ho yay but then they realise it's REALLY DETAILED when they get pulled inside of the game for some reason and can't get out unless they (objective here). Or maybe they can't get out for any foreseeable reason and they need to survive anyhoo.

Well judging by the responses #3 seems pretty popular (unsurprisingly, since superhero RPs have been a hit here for like, ever).

But would people take an existing TT member, or be a new recruit, or what? I think maybe having all members from all times would be a possibility (although completely out of continuity, but what the hey...)

I think for the RP, new recruits/ocs would be a good idea for #3, considering then it opens an infinite amount of possibilities. I think canons for it would also be fine (E.G someone playing one of the titans), as well. I've only really seen the animated series myself but if there's enough interest there could be characters that dimension hopped as this particular one was in crisis or something, but perhaps that might not be a popular option for some. But hey, T1M3/SP4C3 SH3N4N1G4NS F1X 3V3RYTH1NG MY PR3C1OUS.

(hehe sorry had to do that Terezi loves you all probably)

I mean I could theoretically do all three ideas but then I've got three topics to manage and stuff.

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As for the game one, that sounds pretty cool. Maybe it's like an IRL.. version of Minecraft (Or, well, real life? eh.) Set after some sort of apocalypse and if people really want powers we can incorporate that, haha. Internet friends turned apocalypse buddies for a survival and end up with powers? Nuts. But also a little awesome if used right. In a survival setting more commonly seen 'useless' powers (Vocal Replication, night vision, entering someone's dreams all on their own for some examples) could add another facet to it too. People would have to work together and the like and it could be great, I have ideas already, yoooooo.

Heck it might not even be totally apocalyptic yet, maybe it's dystopian and people escaped into the forest that barely knew each other but then had to make houses and blah de blah. Might encourage older characters which is good.

this right here is something id be majorly interested in

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Offline sans the skeleton

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this right here is something id be majorly interested in

Right awesome 'cause I thought you were getting at something like that. I'd be mega interested in doing that too.

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1 and 2 are pretty niche -- if they could be made broader or less focused around that game/webseries i think more people would like it, and i would join them. not too into the teen titans thing since it seems like a lot of soloing. high schoolers with powers is typically a good time.

ALSO if you do the high school RP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it organized. like, dont havw their be a kajillion different classes in 8 periods like a real high school, make it like, you have like 6 periods with a couple CTE classes or something and its a small school since the NPCs can get out of hand in those role plays
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 21:34 by еcho »

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1 and 2 are pretty niche -- if they could be made broader or less focused around that game/webseries i think more people would like it, and i would join them.

as you can see its actually sort of straying from the actual gameplay and starting to become more of a survival sort of idea with added interesting factors like? really little superhuman powers that normally would be p useless but in a survival situation could be useful and other aspects that require teamwork like in a multiplayer video game made "real life"
you know those games that require you to have someone there for you to be compared to/play with/help like left 4 dead, mario kart, journey, etc

if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?

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right, but if theres a lot of homestuck references it'll go totally over my head since i couldnt get past the start of it. i vaguely know about trolls and i vaguely know about the plot, and i feel like a fair amount are in the same boat as me. same thing with WOW -- i played it for a few months, i get the game, but im no pro on the lore by any means

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Should be OK, most of my RPs are pretty 'newb friendly' so to speak so everyone knows what is what, i can explain most of the stuff anyhoo. Looks like ideas 1 & 3 had a tie of 3 votes each so I made another poll too, tho I'm personally liking the survival idea the most i'll plan that a bit more before setting it up for real. So it may come /as well/ as idea one or three depending on interest.

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