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la dispute//rooms of the house (post-hardcore w/ a poet lyricist. ffo: mewithoutyou. great new LP to follow up wildlife.)modern baseball//you're gonna miss it all (college emo rock, similar to the front bottoms, or a whinier tigers jaw).
man i need to check these albums out, Wildlife + Sports were such great albums.i don't even know what the last new album i listened to was. i think probably Deaf Havana - "Meet Me Halfway, At Least" but I'm not sure. pretty great album if not a bit old now.
rooms of the house is just as progressive as wildlife, and has a similar storyline vibe going on. there's no king park-esque track (thank god, it was the worst on wildlife) and there's no you and i in unison (probably ld's best track ever, sans maybe something from somewhere at the bottom... LP). overall a good listen, the woman (reading) and woman (in mirror) tracks are amazing. in terms of you're gonna miss it all, it has some BANGERS but sports is a little better imo. fine great, broken cash machine, your graduation anddd the third track (name escapes) me are probably standouts for me.surprised to see someone else on this forum digging those two bands!!!