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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #120 on: March 02, 2014, 22:43 »
Lux looks out of the corner of his eye to see Oz. He turned his head and she was gone.

Strange, I thought I saw Ozzie.
She's likely there, you should probably drop a note nearby to explain yourself.
I'm likely just sleep deprived.
Most likely.

Lux walked to the sea's edge and splashed some of the cold water onto his face in an effort to stay awake.

It was either that or cut myself open.
Meh. Makes on difference to me.
My my. Don't you care?
Either way, our buddy Ozzie likely saw us.
That's likely. If looks could kill, we'd be at our funerals now.
Next time, should I burn them even more?
Myrsky! We have standards! That was an accident. But yes, burn them more.
I was joking....
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #121 on: March 04, 2014, 19:49 »
As soon as the harbor of Teirm was visible, Trezarex was quick to turn her large head and chortle at Stella. Welcome home, mm? The Forsworn sat up and stretched on the dragon's back, returning the sentiment with a half-smile.
Well, it's only fair. Been a while since I saw the old stomping grounds, you know, She replied. Trezarex snorted, before turning back to eye the approaching seaside town. As she did, her eyes widened, and she jerked violently in air, nearly sending Stella tumbling off. She gasped. "OoOF! What are you doing?!"
Riders! Trezarex replied, hovering nervously in air and craned her neck out. Stella shifted, peered out over her scaly neck to see the beach. Sure enough she could see a collection of the massive beasts, a glimpse of white, dark red, midnight blue. Her eyes widened.
"The ones from earlier!" She spat aloud, "They were coming here too?! Never mind that, how did they beat us here?!" She stared incredulous. She was certain her and Trezarex had departed at a reasonable time, long ahead of those goody good Riders. But no, there they were, on the beach, staring out at the woods. Too close.
Forget them beating us here, the matter is they can't spot us, Trezarex reminded her. The dragon's jaw was half agape, breathing heavily. She was not a petite creature, and a monstrosity of her stature could be spotted quickly if action wasn't taken. Treza looked down at the sea practically grazing her claws. ....I have an idea. Hang on to me, and hold your breath.
What?! Stella thought back, but had no moment to get anything else out as the teal dragon spun in air and dove into the ocean, sending up a large rippling wave. The Forsworn almost screamed in surprise, but instead focused on clamping her jaw shut and holding her breath as much as she could. The salt of the ocean stung at her eyes as she closed them tightly, Trezarex propelling her large body through the ocean as quickly as she could.
A few seconds later, or what felt to Stella like nearly hours, Treza resurfaced, breaching her neck and head from the water with a very wet Rider on her back. She was now closer to the shore, but further from the good Riders they had seen on the other section of beach. She glanced back at Stella, I apologize. I needed to get us out of there.
I know, I know, Stella wheezed in her mind, holding tight to her dragon and coughing, Further warning would have been appreciated, though. She laughed a little bitterly, and reached to comb out her now sopping hair.


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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #122 on: March 04, 2014, 20:51 »
((Just a heads up, Blaze, Oz isn't planning to harm Lux proper;y because they're on the same side, it'll be more of a talking to with mild knife violence. She ain't gonna burn you to a crisp, she's a little more intelligent than that.))

Katya looked at Lux and knew that he had seen something, she had seen it too. A flash of orange hair disappearing behind a tree. If that was the rider that the others had seen earlier, she wouldn't risk them seeing her again. Katya wanted to go and catch her out but had no idea how. She knew that the rider's Dragon would be right there with her and would see Katya before she had a chance to do anything. Should they just ignore the rider?
What do you propose we do?
As far as we know, there is only that rider and her Dragon about. She could do sufficient damage to us but not without risking her health as we are in a great number. I think we should just ignore her.
You're right. Plus we have more important things to do. Like raise awareness of the forsworn throughout Alagaesia. And sleep.
Do you know, I hadn't thought about that (!) I'd be lost without you.

Katya climbed off of Asael's back and walked down the beach to where Grigori was.
"Can we rest now? Asael is exhausted and I'm pretty done myself." She said to him.
_________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Oz poked her head around the tree, annoyingly, a couple of strands of her hair followed her head. She looked at the riders gathering on the beach. Lux was among them, that anger she had been feeding on bubbled again. And then they made eye contact. He looked tired and confused. Evidently, no one else had gotten any sleep since before the attack on Doru Areaba... except herself and Fyrn of course.
Her head darted back behind the cover of the tree she was perched against. She needed to get moving somewhere before they got to her. She had to do it with stealth.
Behind the collected riders Oz saw the other forsworn from the chase last night, the one with the teal Dragon. It dived into the water unnoticed and Oz didn't see it again.
I have a plan. Since you're camouflaged here, go to a spot in the woods some distance from here and drum up a commotion. Then meet me further down the edge of the woods where we'll be unnoticed. I'll climb this tree, she gestured to the one she was hiding behind the branches are dense enough for me to get from one tree to another without many problems.See you later. Fyrn didn't argue with Oz's plan, he knew it was their best chance of getting out of the deep trouble they were in. He walked deeper into the woods, towards the place where he had been seen by the riders before.
Oz took hold of a notch in the bark of the tree, and then another, planting her feet on the ones she had grabbed before. eventually she made it to the lowest branches that were connecting the different trees, she walked along a thick branch until it met with one from the next tree. She was travelling due north in the direction of their agreed meeting place.
Oz didn't look towards the beach once, she knew that Lux couldn't see her, the leaves were too thick.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #123 on: March 04, 2014, 22:25 »
((I know. My character doesn't though.))

"I don't think he'd object, we can take things from here." Lux said, responding to Katya's question.

Keep on guard. Ozzie is likely there.
I told you it was a hallucination.
You could be wrong.
No one's there.
Just stay alert. I have a strange feeling.
Yeah, it's called needing rest. I have it too.

Lux shook himself awake and continued to guide people off the ship and onto the beach.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #124 on: March 05, 2014, 02:44 »
"Can we rest now? Asael is exhausted and I'm pretty done myself." Katya asked him. She and her dragon both looked completely beat. Everyone did: they had quite a day.
"Yes. That would be wise. We should tell the citizens here what happened. Above all, we must emphasize that the Dragon Riders aren't the ones attacking: it is the work of a rogue group that we're trying to stop." Grigori's voice was raspy from calling out to the other Dragon Riders and those on the boats.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #125 on: March 05, 2014, 20:28 »
"Alright, everyone off the ship! One at a time, no more panic!" Lux said, as the people filed off the ships and onto the beach. He looked around, everyone looked completely exhausted, even the one barking orders at everyone. Myrsky yawned into Lux's mind.

I'm awake now...
I can't wait for sleep.
You think you're the only one?
No, but still, 30 hours will take a lot out of a dragon.
Imagine how bad it would be for me.
No, I'd rather not.

Lux got the last of the people off the ship and onto the beach. He walked over to Grigori and said, "Take it away, chief."
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Offline The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #126 on: March 09, 2014, 17:47 »
Grigori climbed up on top of a crate and cleared his voice. He let out a whistle to draw attention his way and began speaking. "These newcomers come from Doru Areaba. They were attacked by a rogue group of Riders. Rest assured, the Dragon Riders will uphold our duty to protect this city. The newcomers have skills that will help this city flourish."
With the message relayed, Grigori stepped down.
"Time to rest. We have a lot to do."

EDIT: Had in quote box. ShinyBlaziken informed me of such. Thus, quote box removed.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 19:03 by The Macintosh Ninja: SOH CAH TOA »

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #127 on: March 09, 2014, 18:14 »
((Um... you quoted that. Intended or accident?))

The riders, eh? Guess we don't have to help them.
Why don't you go find out what was in the forest? I'll circle the skies so if trouble comes, I can set it ablaze.
Not like I have anything else to do. Don't circle, if Fyrn is around, he'd likely slaughter you.

Lux decided to see if his suspicions were correct. He walked to the forest and looked around. Myrsky stayed on the beach. No one.

Nothing. I figure that after getting burnt, they visited a healer here and now she needs money. May as well pay for it. Going into the belly of the beast.
Got it, just be ready.

With his sword, Lux cut away at low branches and plants in his way. The "rider" couldn't stand them for an odd reason. It didn't take long to find Fryn, who was obviously distracted.

You were right, they're here.
Just leave the money and don't die.

From saving a few places, eventually, people will pay you a bit for saving them. So Lux has a modest stockpile, but just enough to maybe pay for a professional healer's fee for minor injuries, like Fyrn's wing. Lux hoped that this would at least help his image, and that Fyrn wouldn't notice. The  fake rider timed it carefully and then dashed forward, out of the bushes near Fyrn's back. Lux left a small pouch about 15 feet from Fyrn's right flank. The dragon seemed to turn his head, his tail swept towards Lux's head. Lux was clocked with a haymaker but kept going, despite the pain. He stumbled out of the forest and knelt down from the pain.

Damn Fyrn, my head is spinning from his tail.
I warned you.
Just another battle scar.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #128 on: March 09, 2014, 19:13 »
((wait, wait... at the end of there are you controlling Fyrn?))

When Fyrn hit Lux in the head, it was an accident. He wasn't put off by the fact that he'd done it because it was something Lux deserved. Fyrn was put off by the fact that Lux had come to look for him. What a fool.
Oz, Lux found me in the forest, I accidentally hit him in the head with my tail though, what do you want to do? Should we scarper?
No, Fyrn. You come along to the meeting place. I'll sort Lux out.
Be careful.
Oz climbed down from the tree in the meeting place and crept out of the edges of the woods. She could see  Lux down the beach a little, Myrsky was not far off but Oz knew that he would not interfere because Fyrn wasn't with her, sparring etiquette stated that it must always be fair in numbers. She crept along the edge of the trees and when she reached Lux she pulled him up from where he knelt and backed him against a tree. She took out one of her knives and attached Lux to the tree by his collar.
"You utter fool of a rider! You - you pretended to be one of them and get information and I trusted your judgement but all you could do to repay me was injure my companion? My only friend! That injury needed professional care. Professional care which my parents are paying for. Another toe out of line and I WILL take this further. You understand?" She hissed into his ear. Oz could tell he was in pain but she didn't care. She took the other knife out of her belt and stretched Lux's arm out to his right. She carved a word onto his forearm, a single word. Only a light cut, a cut that would scar. The word: traitor. Oz pulled both of her knives from where they were, his arm and his collar, put on of them in her belt and pointed the other at his neck. "You've been warned." She said in a low tone, glaring at him. Then she took off into the woods.
_________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Katya and Asael had settled down along the city limit wall, Katya underneath Asael's wing. She was oblivious to Lux's situation. She slept deeply. So did Asael.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #129 on: March 09, 2014, 19:46 »
((My apologies. I said he may've saw Lux. The tail flick must've been a reflex. I see where you would've thought that. My bad. Wasn't trying to control Ozzie's dragon. Didn't want to g-mod by making it too easy, and I ended up g-modding. *Facepalm* Knife violence it is.))

Lux tries to gather his thoughts, but is pulled aside by Oz.

Next time, i'm aiming for the head.
Damn right you are.

"It was meant to be a warning shot, wasn't aiming for the wing. If you need money, there's a pouch of money in the woods. There should be enough, choice whether you get it or not is yours." Lux tried to quickly explain. Oz wouldn't have any of it, she carved a word traitor into his arm and said more death threats, then quickly retreated.

No matter what I do, i'm hated.
Don't look now, but there goes another.

A hooded man steps out and whispers into Lux's ear, "You've been warned. One more step, and you will be terminated." Then the man made a quick slice up Lux's arm, who slammed his shield, which was on his other arm, into the man's head, knocking him unconscious. Lux's arm was bleeding slightly, he clutched it in pain.

Guess this is what I deserve.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #130 on: March 10, 2014, 08:53 »
Kamren had wanted to be doing something more, but was torn between that and a desperate need for rest. He hadn't even noticed the rider that the others appeared to have seen-that was a fair indication of his exhaustion in itself. He decided to find somewhere to sleep, though he was uneasy at the enemy in all likelihood being right outside the gates. He and Leigarth left the group, deciding to sleep under a tree near the road entering the city. With any luck, one or other of them would be awoken if any trouble began.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #131 on: March 10, 2014, 19:46 »
Lux's arm was still cut and slightly bleeding from the hooded guy. He looked around, trying to find a solution to this.

The forsworn are good company.
Sarcasm is fun, isn't it?

Lux walked over to a bag that he had on Myrsky ((like a saddlebag, in case you were lost)). The rider took one of his spare shirts and ripped it up in effort to stop the bleeding.

Times like this I wish that I could blow my cover and destroy all of them, forsworn, rider, or civilian.
That's a bit much...
I know. Anyways, forget about sleep I guess.
You gonna keep watch?
You're the stronger of the two, you should rest and, yes, I will keep watch.

Lux's dragon fell asleep in an upright position, and Lux climbed on top, keeping his gaze out to the sea, and trying to stop the bleeding on his arm.
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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #132 on: March 13, 2014, 16:03 »
Though he wasn't much fond of sand or beaches, Grigori found a quiet area near the shore where he could get some rest. He also wasn't fond of naps, but sleeping for an hour or so would do his body good.
Grigori lay on the sandy beach, using his coat as a headrest. His arm had a simple bandage wrapped around it to prevent infection of the knife wound he caused. Sleep came quickly, but he didn't sleep soundly. Xel'lotath stretched out in the early daytime sun, warming up her body after having flown in cold air and over the cool waters. Her head rested on top of her Rider, contrary to what logic might suggest the sleep arrangement should be.

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Re: [J] The Time Of The Dragons. - [Pa][F][M][Pw]
« Reply #133 on: March 13, 2014, 21:19 »
Lux eventually stopped the bleeding in cleaned the knife wound the best he could.

Well, now I know, when something goes wrong and injures another, never apologize. Or you'll be branded a traitor. Then again I am. Kinda wish I wasn't, i'm turning into these soft-hearted fools. Just remember what the riders did.

He remembers his past. Lux's parents were a part of a farming class. They weren't rich, but not even close to poor either. Then they came. 2 dragons were on the horizon. They landed. One of the people on one of the dragons said, "You two are charged with murder, and high treason." Lux's parents were innocent of all of it, they were framed. No matter what they said, the riders wouldn't have any of it. The two were herded away, and then the riders took Lux as well. His parents were killed unfairly, then, months later, a dragon landed on the edge of a city, a person ordered Lux off. He got off and the dragon and rider flew off. No help. No advice. Nothing. Lux was just dumped on the side of the road, no money, no one he knew, he wad nothing. His life was taken away from him for no valid reason.

Then later on, Lux joined the forsworn. After a huge misunderstanding, death threats were sent his way. No one seemed to like him, his side or not. "I guess it's true what they say, trust no one." Lux said at last with a sigh. He was looking out into the ocean, not even trying to sleep.
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