Author Topic: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain a LOT violence) [C]  (Read 23485 times)

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2014, 03:36 »
Sixx was already curling into a large furry ball as soon as the group stopped to the night. He watched as Keira went off to gather wood, and then continued to watch once she came back and bickered with Fleur about who had the first watch. He smirked a little as he watched the Ninetales be put to sleep by her own Hypnosis, and shook his head a little. "Amazing. That girl just doesn't go down without a fight no matter what, huh?" he mused to himself.

Suddenly, Patrick poked his head out of SIxx's massive back and head fluff, grinning. "OooooOOOOOO, SIXXY'S GOT A," he leaned in real close to his brother's ear, "Crrrrrushhhhhhhhh."

Sixx's eyes flew open wide as he whipped his head to the grinning, giggling Sylveon, "h-hey! You shut up, I...I do not!" he cried, swiping for him as Patrick ducked out of the fur and bounded away. Quickly Sixx looked around, praying non of his compatriots heard what had just been uttered. He settled back down, stealing another glimpse at Keira and scanning around the horizon. He licked his lips, mumbling to himself, "Keep it together man, keep it together..."

Patrick meanwhile continued to giggle as he fled his brother and peered out across the land around him. His feelers still writhed as if eager to give the nearest living creature a hug. He squinted, convinced something was out there. He hoped it wasn't anything nasty.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2014, 04:17 »
Allies? Well, they weren't really his allies, they probably didn't even know he existed. It just started to hit him that this was a horrible idea, chasing after a bunch of strangers like this. But it wasn't as horrible an idea as staying in that... whatever it was for the rest of his life, he thought. But, allies or not, he would surely freeze to death out here if he couldn't get to that fire, or any heat source for that matter, soon. He nodded in response to the first question, simply choosing not to answer the second since he wasn't sure how to answer it anyway.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2014, 16:50 »
The Porygon lowered itself to the cold snowy floor. The strange creature shouldn't have much trouble either climbing or jumping onto his back, though the metal box he had on him might make riding cumbersome. "[Instructing] I can take you there. Be peaceful unless they offense." he chimed.
Hopefully this strange creature was a good fighter in the off chance the others proved hostile. The fact that they sought shelter and had scouts was promising though: the Pokémon that attacked him on sight wouldn't respond to his vocalizations and favored collective thought tactics: attack without rest until either you or the target is taken down.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2014, 19:05 »
001 chirped happily, then climbed up onto the pink creatures back, though with a little difficulty. He was careful about using his claws to pull himself up and hold on, lest he accidentally cut the friendly creature. The Anorith held on to either side of the creature using the sides of his claws then, once settled, gave a "[Thank you.]"
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2014, 22:12 »
 Fleur heard Patrick and Sixx as she sat down in the tree and chuckled at this. It was obvious that the only thing Sixx wasn't nervous about was her fiery friend. Just after that, the buizel thought that she heard some chirping of some kind, but thought that it was all in her head.

((I know, a little short, but it's mainly filler))
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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2014, 23:04 »
((I tried to use the colors people are using for their characters' dialogue to show who I'm referencing. Should help people notice when their character is mentioned.))

As SCRAP hovered towards the group, the individual members becoming more apparent. There was the Ninetails he saw that had encoutered the Lucario. She was laying down, whether due to being asleep or just tired. There was the one that looked better suited to the ocean; orangish this one. Acting as a guard most likely. Some others came into view too: near the Ninetails was a strange-looking Alakazam. He recognized this species having met one during his training. Near them was a mound of dark fur and some white and pink creature with several strands of cloth tied to its body.

Most jarring of all was the Charizard that came into view along the path some distance from the group. It must have approached while he was speaking with the insect creature that was on his back at present. The Charizard was battle worn, its body showed clear signs of healed injuries. There was also something blue on it, though it was difficult to tell what it was. It was heading towards the group, but did so slowly. It would not be wise to follow it should it be seeking to combat the others.

"[Alert] Engaging camoflauge." the Porygon chimed quietly. It silently dashed to some nearby trees, scanned them with Conversion, and changed it's outward appearence. When he was among the trees, he realized that the Anorith on his back couldn't change color like he could. He could cover it with his body as best he could. "[Alert] Unable to camoflauge passenger. Proceeding with caution." he chimed. "[Tense] Remain silent." he told the Pokémon on his back.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2014, 00:44 »
Nova was lying on the ground, facing the woods. She stared out at it blankly, waiting for the first symptoms of sleep to take her away. She could hear Kiera and Fleur get into a conflict, but she didn't quite care enough to turn her head around and take a look. Her muscles were sore, her brain was tired... she let out a deep sigh as she could feel her body begin to give itself to sleep. She could smell the fear and distrust of the group on Kiera, and Nova just couldn't understand it. Then again, by her knowledge, Kiera spent a smaller percentage of her life being alone, at least comparative to Nova. Nova may have been one of the newer members of the group, but even being among strangers was safer than sleeping in abandoned dens.

She began to close her eyes, when she saw a flash of blue and pink in the woods. Her eyes jolted back open. Just playing tricks on me, maybe... However, whether what she was was real or not didn't matter. Her sleep had been disturbed, and she had come to the sudden realization she had to relieve herself. "I'll be right back guys, I gotta water some plants..." She said quietly to the group, standing up and walking into the woods.

She took a quick look around, and couldn't find anything. Although she couldn't see anyone, she couldn't get the proper comfort level to relieve herself. She took a sniff of the air, and she could only smell what smelled like chemicals. Not too unlike the lab. Nova searched the woods a bit more. "Is anyone there?" Nova said, starting to pace towards where she believed the scent originated.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2014, 02:15 »
The Anorith was surprised by the no-longer-pink creatures change in colour, but realized now was not the best time to question it. He grew tense, he saw what they were hiding from, a huge, orange thing with wings and fire on its tail, and it was probably the scariest thing he had ever seen. He stayed quiet as instructed, hiding as well as he could. Soon, however, he heard a voice. He couldn't see anything from where he was, so he leaned to the side just enough to see who was there, then quickly leaned back in once he saw the blue creature with horns. Okay, nevermind, that was the scariest thing he had ever seen.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2014, 03:06 »
((For the record, my character's colors are the reverse of shiny Porygon's. So blue instead of white, white instead of blue.))

A dog-like Pokémon approached, sniffing the air. It must have detected the passenger SCRAP had with him. Whoever this dog was, it spoke and asked if someone was there. Were it just SCRAP, he could very likely pass by without detection as he didn't have much of a scent. But the new variable to account for, the Anorith, made the situation more dangerous. Ultimately, the law of self preservation meant he would abandon this creature in favor of his own escape should the situation grow dire.
This dog Pokémon looked like a shaved, shimmery blue Arcanine. It had small horns and a very dark motif. It would appear this was either a Fire type or a Dark type, perhaps even a Ghost type. This being considered, it would likely not attack with Fire and risk burning down the forest, thus attracting attention. Ghost type attacks would pass through harmlessly. Dark type attacks would deal a fair amount of damage. The possibilities were in his favor. What drew the most attention from SCRAP's analysis was the stone implanted in the creature's chest. It looked very strange; ideal for analysis. If he could run some tests on it, the scientists back at MSC would be thrilled. Maybe they'd respond to those messages.

"[Assertive] I do not mean harm."

Offline Kpyna

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2014, 03:20 »
((Alright, my bad!))

 Nova jumped at the robotic tone being said in her general direction. She tried to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from, but she couldn't really tell. However, when her eyes locked onto where it seemed to be coming from, she could see something shining in the dark. When her vision adjusted to the darkness, she could see what looked like a bug-type pokemon, not of any kind she had seen before, floating in the air. She could see what looked like sharp swords protruding from its side, but Nova couldn't identify exactly what it was. "I've never seen anything like you before. What are you, and are you coming here alone?" Nova's eyes squinted, wondering if this was something that was sent by Abraham. However, she wasn't about to throw out any accusations just yet.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2014, 04:24 »
((Oops, sorry ^^; ))

001 didn't know what this new pokemon was saying, he didn't even know if she was talking to him or SCRAP, but he figured he could assume both of them had been spotted. He hopped down back to the ground and looked up at the other pokemon. He didn't like the way she was looking at him, she looked like she was suspicious of him for something. He looked over to SCRAP, asking "[What did she say? And if she was talking to me and asked anything you can answer, could you answer her for me?]" He decided then that he would try to learn the language they were speaking, since having to ask for a translation for any conversation with someone other than SCRAP would get annoying. Assuming he got out of here alive, of course.
When it comes down to it, the difference between healing and necromancy is timing.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2014, 04:58 »
SCRAP thought for a moment. If this Pokémon asked if Anorith was alone, it would be best to not alert her by remaining hidden. The proverbial "show you're unarmed" gesture, except without arms. Before revealing himself, he spoke quietly to the creature that was once his passenger.
"[Explanation] She wishes for identity revelation and if it is only you." He turned back to Nova.

"[Alert] Disengaging camoflauge." he beeped. There was a soft crackling sound as the Porygon returned to its original colors and texture. He raised his head to respond to Nova's "whois" command. "[Informative] I am SCRAP, designed at Mossdeep Space Center. I have been programmed to research and explore other planets.". He reasoned that now would be the ideal "show your hands" moment. "[Assertive] There is no reason for hostility. I am assisting this creature in reaching comfortable environmental temperature. The fire you and your allies have would be ideal."

Offline Danatales

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2014, 05:17 »
Sixx turned his head, interested as Nova went off to go take care of some personal business. He snorted, rolling over onto his other side, using his thick fur as a cushy pillow. He blinked up at the stars, tapping his claws on his belly. Hope we don't get ambushed tonight or anything... he thought. He shivered nervously; the very thought of being attacked while unprepared made him extremely uncomfortable. He cut his eyes over and could see Patrick loitering around on the edge of their allies' little camp, watching the horizon. Snuffing, the Zoroark settled down, content to watch the stars.

Patrick, meanwhile, was highly curious. Nova had gone off in the direction he could have SWORN he'd seen something moving around nearby earlier. Did she see something he'd missed? Now highly curious, the Sylveon looked back to make sure Sixx wasn't going to yell at him for wandering off, and quickly he scurried after Nova. Within a few minutes of searching, he spotted her, talking to... an odd boxy blue and white Pokemon? No, wait, it wasn't alone..there was something small on its back too. Patrick squinted his soft blue eyes, creeping closer. How peculiar! Are they mean or are they friends? he thought, his feelers wiggling rapidly.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2014, 05:29 »
Although Nova was startled by S.C.R.A.P disabling his camouflage, she made no hostile movements. When S.C.R.A.P tried to explain who he was, Nova almost made an attempt to appear to understand him. Alas, she knew very little about the more technologically advanced part of the world. She had never seen or heard of any pokemon that looked like eother of the two. Seventeen years old and still being surprised every day...

"That's fine by me. I'll lead you guys into the camp, then. I can't guarentee everyone there will welcome you with open arms, though," Nova said, turning around and heading back towards the group. "As for me, how I see it, anything that's still got a pulse is a friend. My name is Nova, by the way. You can wait on your formal introduction to me, I'm sure everyone here will be very... curious... about you two."

She reached the trees to enter the camp. She hoped everyone would take kindly to the newcomers behind her.

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Re: [P][Sf][Fu] The Way Out (Warning, will contain violence) [C]
« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2014, 16:09 »
"[Concern] I do not have a pulse. I do not have the circulatory system required for one." SCRAP said.  Though the dog Pokémon wasn't attacking him, this conditional operator proved worrisome. At least he would be worried if he felt emotion. And since the dog would define "anything" as a "friend" if it satisfied the condition "have a pulse", it was only reasonable that this creature did not and would not consider SCRAP a friend. There was no issue with this though: SCRAP had seen some scientists who definitely did not define themselves as "friends" still work together towards a common goal. The Anorith that was with him likely had a pulse, since it did look cold, and if the dog and insect could be friends and the insect and himself were allies at some point then there was no logical reason for the dog to attack him.
Of course, these were all flesh and blood beings: devoid of the purely logical thought processes a Porygon (or really any Pokémon in the evolution line, except maybe PorygonZ) posessed. These small nuances and pitfalls were so cumbersome. It was incredible that living creatures have gone so long without annihilating the planet with their strange conditions for "friendship".

SCRAP scooped up the Anorith and followed behind Nova.
"[Explanation] Canine takes us to fire." he told the creature.
Perhaps those at the campfire would have different conditional operators to determine what variables could be defined as "friend". Maybe they would let him analyze their stones.