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Offline Kerou 犠牲

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3720 on: April 15, 2018, 10:37 »
Having to get extra work done today for next week is not fun, and having to work off just the laptop screen (use an extra monitor at work) is making it much more time consuming.

I also need to buy stamps and a cartridge for my living room thing as the second one in the pack seems to have disappeared.

Plus this meal replacement drink isn't filling me up as much as I would like, but maybe that's because I didn't really eat properly last night.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3721 on: April 17, 2018, 07:07 »
I was playing PMD Blue on my DSi. I was in the middle of saving when the D decided the game card was removed, even though it wasn't. I then turned it off and on again and the DS wasn't seeing the game, so I turned it off took the cartridge out, blew it and the DS, put it back in, the game could be played. The game played as normal, long intro I can't skip because.....

Spoiler: show
My save file had been corrupted and erased. WHY?! I was so far! I got to Magma Cavern!
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3722 on: April 19, 2018, 03:46 »
I am tired of Amazon billing me twice for something I preorder: once when I order, and again when it ships out a month later. I check my records on my debit card and it is being charged both times. So basically, i'm paying twice for the same item. Here's the kicker: every time it says it will come in on the release date and it ends up being delayed due to the number of orders placed for that item. Meaning: I payed twice to reserve something that got given to someone else who ordered it way after I did and I have to wait.

Never pre-ordering from amazon ever again.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3723 on: April 21, 2018, 00:00 »
i have been chaining these eevees for two days straight and i am about ready to die

Offline Petzbreeder

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3724 on: April 21, 2018, 13:41 »
i have been chaining these eevees for two days straight

Once I get my Gamepro, I'll see if I can get you a shiny one. I'll be using the Masuda method and the shiny charm in X as soon as I get it.

I can even try to get you max IVs and hidden ability as well as a specific nature if you want.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3725 on: April 21, 2018, 23:32 »
 Currently deaf in one ear so everything's overwhelming and to top it all off, I've managed to break both the arms of my glasses.
 So now I'm having to fight for an appointment with the GP on Monday then fight with my own frugality to ask the opticians to send off for another pair.

 This mix of unpleasant heat and deafness is really grinding down on my patience tbh.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3726 on: April 22, 2018, 00:03 »
Update on the Amazon issue: Apparently it gives you the price for the entire order, but when my bank processes a preorder price, I don't get charged for it and the money doesn't come out until the item is released and ready to ship. That's stupid in my opinion.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3727 on: April 23, 2018, 02:52 »
how someone gonna leave me on read right after i send the message and respond 8 hours later like it's nothing???? hmmmmm???????? ive been waiting all day for this message now i need answers idk what i did wrong

Offline Petzbreeder

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3728 on: April 23, 2018, 20:26 »
Ever since my mum had an operation on her knee, I've been feeling really upset, almost as if I'm somehow feeling and reacting to her pain. I'm not sure what I can do about it. I really don't like feeling this way.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3729 on: April 26, 2018, 16:41 »
My granddad's gonna pass away in a few hours. :'(
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3730 on: April 28, 2018, 17:04 »
Trying to find a way to break to my partner that I don’t like Marvel films.

I don’t have a problem with hero & action films in general but the marvel franchise panders to an audience so much it’s ridiculous. “Ahhh put in some cool explosions and have a character say ‘uproarious’ after” but let’s not have a good plot or character development or any sort of human authenticity whatsoever.
I watched the first Deadpool film for the first time the other day and it was AWFUL. Nothing the character said or did was genuinely funny. His character had such a sad backstory and that was really good and it would have made such a beautiful superhero tradegy story but then they went and made the character wise cracking but never really gave an explanation as to why he was like that?? And it just read as Marvel being too afraid to make a film you can actually take seriously so they just covered everything up with meaningless quips and fourth wall breaks that the movie never earned. God. Okay I’m done.
Credit to Inferna for the teacup Chatot

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3731 on: April 28, 2018, 19:53 »
Trying to find a way to break to my partner that I don’t like Marvel films.

I don’t have a problem with hero & action films in general but the marvel franchise panders to an audience so much it’s ridiculous. “Ahhh put in some cool explosions and have a character say ‘uproarious’ after” but let’s not have a good plot or character development or any sort of human authenticity whatsoever.
I watched the first Deadpool film for the first time the other day and it was AWFUL. Nothing the character said or did was genuinely funny. His character had such a sad backstory and that was really good and it would have made such a beautiful superhero tradegy story but then they went and made the character wise cracking but never really gave an explanation as to why he was like that?? And it just read as Marvel being too afraid to make a film you can actually take seriously so they just covered everything up with meaningless quips and fourth wall breaks that the movie never earned. God. Okay I’m done.
For what it's worth, Deadpool is a "Marvel" film, not a Marvel film, in that the character's movie rights are owned by Fox (or Marvel Entertainment, who seem to produce the movies typically credited to Fox?) and not Marvel Studios, so Marvel Studios (who do most of the other films) don't really have as much input in it.

And I guess a lot of the rest of what you say about Deadpool is kind of a case of "if you don't already know the character you miss the context"? Basically Deadpool as a character was driven insane by the experiments at the start of the film (or comics) and as such somehow becomes aware of the fact that he is the character in a film (or comic), so he plays up to that with all the wise cracking and fourth wall breaking. He's aware of the narrator, he's aware that his speech/thoughts appear in bubbles, he acknowledges the issue he last saw a character in, etc.

I also think it's unfair to say that Marvel films in general don't have good character development or human authenticity, because a lot of characters have really good story arcs across the films (I could maybe accept that inside the films it's less pronounced, but I'd argue it's absolutely there in each film). A good example being Iron Man, who after the events of The Avengers becomes obsessed with trying to save Earth before it happens, leading to the Ultron incident, and then seeing the effect that has on him in Captain America: Civil War, or how he treats Spider-Man in Spider-Man Homecoming.

It's fair to dislike Deadpool because I can accept his film is a pretty specific type of humour and (especially if you don't get the context of the fact he's medium aware, which admittedly they should have touched on more in the film since it's kind of If You Know You Know) perhaps doesn't seem to take itself serious enough, but it's a pretty big departure from the majority of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is the stuff by Marvel Studios that people typically think of when they say "Marvel Films") which is pretty (at least what I've seen) universally enjoyed.

Other examples of "Marvel" films that aren't really Marvel are: the Fantastic Four films, all the Spider-Man films prior to Spider-Man Homecoming, all the X-Men films, the upcoming Venom film.

(also sorry if this seems like DON'T DISLIKE WHAT I LIKE :@)
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3732 on: April 28, 2018, 21:25 »
Trying to find a way to break to my partner that I don’t like Marvel films.

I don’t have a problem with hero & action films in general but the marvel franchise panders to an audience so much it’s ridiculous. “Ahhh put in some cool explosions and have a character say ‘uproarious’ after” but let’s not have a good plot or character development or any sort of human authenticity whatsoever.
I watched the first Deadpool film for the first time the other day and it was AWFUL. Nothing the character said or did was genuinely funny. His character had such a sad backstory and that was really good and it would have made such a beautiful superhero tradegy story but then they went and made the character wise cracking but never really gave an explanation as to why he was like that?? And it just read as Marvel being too afraid to make a film you can actually take seriously so they just covered everything up with meaningless quips and fourth wall breaks that the movie never earned. God. Okay I’m done.

invite me 2 your marvel themed wedding where u will be sitting there angrily fake smiling when he makes you ask him if hes more of a wolverine or an iron man in front of all his nerd friends and hi fiving them no matter the answer. youll be sitting there dressed up as black widow reflecting eye daggers off the top of your prosecco at him cos he does the first dance with his lifeside spiderman cardboard cutout instead of you

you have the power to stop this by telling him "marvel is just OK i guess but is it ok if we watch heathers instead of repeating avengers assemble for the 32468489nd time. im just not that into it and i dont think ill ever be."

he ought to hopefully be decent about you not being entirely keen on marvel i guess but if he isn't then thats a shame and he should not be a jerk about it

Offline sylar

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3733 on: April 29, 2018, 01:50 »
Trying to find a way to break to my partner that I don’t like Marvel films.

I don’t have a problem with hero & action films in general but the marvel franchise panders to an audience so much it’s ridiculous. “Ahhh put in some cool explosions and have a character say ‘uproarious’ after” but let’s not have a good plot or character development or any sort of human authenticity whatsoever.
I watched the first Deadpool film for the first time the other day and it was AWFUL. Nothing the character said or did was genuinely funny. His character had such a sad backstory and that was really good and it would have made such a beautiful superhero tradegy story but then they went and made the character wise cracking but never really gave an explanation as to why he was like that?? And it just read as Marvel being too afraid to make a film you can actually take seriously so they just covered everything up with meaningless quips and fourth wall breaks that the movie never earned. God. Okay I’m done.

just tell him u dont like marvel? not that difficult lol...

anyway yeah deadpool sucks unless you know why hes like that, which was already explained i guess. they cut out a big part of the film that explained a whole lot more. i think theres a scene called "cancer world tour" that makes you a little more sympathetic towards him and im not sure why they removed it.

if that doesnt help then yeah you just dont like marvel and thats all u gotta say.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #3734 on: April 29, 2018, 13:27 »
My grandad has now passed away.
Thanks to Inferna for one of the many reasons why I love Dragonite!