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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1410 on: February 04, 2016, 22:16 »
i met a super cute guy italian at a club last week and we've been in touch since but one of my roommates seems to be doing everything in her power to make sure he never sets foot in the apartment, like not even or dinner or drinks or anything gah

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1411 on: February 05, 2016, 01:41 »
Two of my best friends broke up. He felt like she was shunning him and she felt like he was lying to get sympathy. Now they both hate each other and they aren't exactly happy with me because I won't take either of their sides.

This is why I don't date, ladies and gents.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1412 on: February 05, 2016, 08:48 »
i had to take two codeine just to sleep last nigh tlmao

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1413 on: February 05, 2016, 20:54 »
It's really cold in the house.
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Offline Pam-the-Lamb

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1414 on: February 05, 2016, 20:56 »
 I'm afraid to check my results because I tried really hard and I'll be disappointed if I've failed :(

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1415 on: February 05, 2016, 21:38 »
I'm afraid to check my results because I tried really hard and I'll be disappointed if I've failed :(

i dont wanna sound all pseudointellectual philosiphy life coach or whatever here cos i hate that kind of thing myself more often than not but oh my god, literally run at full strength into failure. fail often and fail hard. learn to love failing whichever way u can. thats the only way ur going up.

check ur results, if they suck???? just try again but a bit better this time, somehow.

this goes for anyone with the failsads this february, aka the Last Stretch Of Horrid Winter before spring. idk i was heading for a heffalump and so i did some Weights and am now feeling Accomplished n Strong even tho i barely made my deadlift max this time but i got a good workout and the endorphins feel nice so ¯V

i mean i'll regret this in the next couple days but i bought me a nice back brace from lidls to go with my nerdlinger knee braces (also from lidls. get them while u can cos deece budget Support Braces are hard to come by without payin at least £10+ each per piece) should my back have a Tantrum tommorow cos i made it do a thing.

my ontopic post tho is idk if it counts as a first world problem??? its a Theatre Woe so its a bit bourgeoisie i guess. but i wish i'd gone and seen Beautiful Burnout when it was touring theatres about 7 years ago instead of being too Scared about doing things. just listening to underworld and gettin Music Feels even tho i wasn't around for the whole rave scene etc. i guess.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1416 on: February 05, 2016, 21:47 »
The gel electrophoresis (try spelling that without spell check) lab that we tried to run today in science took the entire school day of waiting. We pretty much couldn't just go to our regular classes and ended up being a failure because the people who sent us the stuff sent us empty vials of the restriction enzymes we needed.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1417 on: February 05, 2016, 22:27 »
 I couldn't actually find my results :dry: I'm guessing they're not up yet since I checked where they should be and where they could be pretty thoroughly.

 It's ingrained in me from sociology where I felt as if all my work was unfairly marked after my lecturer suddenly said "but Chris, I thought you were really misogynistic?" out of the blue when I said that I enjoyed studying feminism. All internal papers were marked lower and it killed my self-confidence as my external papers were marked C and above. It felt as if I was given the harder time for being the only straight guy on the course and that also meant that I had to sit through a lot of man-bashing.

 I don't know why she thought that since all my college friends were girls and I was quiet in class because I wanted to do well and concentrate. I was pretty offended lmao.

 Like, I resat all my first-year exams plus my maths GCSE so failure in general isn't scary, it's just the idea that this whole sociology crap will follow me through to psychology... and I don't want to have to pay to resit them again.

 You could try sumo deadlifts if you're having problems unless you're comfortable with the conventional deadlift tho. Is your back hurting because it's curving or an external thing because you really don't want to damage your lower back because it can hurt for months.


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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1418 on: February 06, 2016, 04:42 »
I couldn't actually find my results :dry: I'm guessing they're not up yet since I checked where they should be and where they could be pretty thoroughly.

 It's ingrained in me from sociology where I felt as if all my work was unfairly marked after my lecturer suddenly said "but Chris, I thought you were really misogynistic?" out of the blue when I said that I enjoyed studying feminism. All internal papers were marked lower and it killed my self-confidence as my external papers were marked C and above. It felt as if I was given the harder time for being the only straight guy on the course and that also meant that I had to sit through a lot of man-bashing.

 I don't know why she thought that since all my college friends were girls and I was quiet in class because I wanted to do well and concentrate. I was pretty offended lmao.

 Like, I resat all my first-year exams plus my maths GCSE so failure in general isn't scary, it's just the idea that this whole sociology crap will follow me through to psychology... and I don't want to have to pay to resit them again.

ohhhhhHHHHHH you mean Lesson Results not Weights Results. i forgot you posted about losin ur babyfat soz. i got the wrong idea and was going all Weights n Lifting Pep Talk haha. soz about that. freal tho on that note wth??????????????? at the teacher, if you dont mind me saying cos boy howdy would i have balked at hearing that and quit the class p much instantly on learning the class was being given by a bitter radfem.

just getting anyone to stay and stick with being receptive to Learning Feminism when its much easier to run away and get in the awkward corner of Internet Expert Opinions Haver/Retweet lord is a Good Thing in this day and age. and its a real shame when people wreck it by making dumb vindictive one-up Comments like that.

im probably being disproportionate idk but to literally say to your face "hmmery, my only male student. why are you telling me you, traitorous dickhaver, enjoyed my class? i thought u hated women!!! tee hee hee hee. this was an Epic Own that totally needed to be said to you" is like....??????????? if nothing else she was being derivative and cliché and also weird&bitter as hell

god im so mad @ this teacher i just had to eat a whole bowl of cereal to calm down. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. //rolls up my sleeves// tell me where she lives i'll introduce her to the riot grrl movement first hand as i beat her up while Teaches of Peaches plays in the bg

realtalk current feminism is at the 3rd wave i.e. "wow we uh forgot to check ourselves and all the feminist power got concentrated into rich white terf ladies. lets discuss n reform from that and try to include everyone this time" but not everyone caught the memo and its hard to roll this out academically to some of the more Conservative thinkers. combine this with the easy dopamine/adrenaline of Internet Notes/Internet Validation and you have p much a lot of Internet Drama regarding "those feminazis" and "the sjws" and "all dickhavers = scum" drama explained in a nutshell.

and also this goes for anyone wanting to study Gender Stuff, im being pre-emptive here but if you come up against the Feminist Crisis that a lot of blokes do in the age of the Feminist and want to get some legitimate Academic Bloke Politics on top of ur feminism w/o Accidentally/Shamefully Taking The Red Pill, look into a book called "Politics in Masculinities" (Messner, 1997) which is a good, if dated and slightly incomplete (no mention of transmen???) place to start to get a general gist of blokedom.

its a nice bonus to Feminist Theory cos then you see things from the other end of the looking glass and really understand how the whole dumb patriachy situation works in all its bizarre glory. and then the burning self-loathing of fedora men makes TOTAL SENSE. and suddenly dads being massive jerks make sense cos they thought it was Blokey to do so. and you realise how its just a Shame for all involved and how its so ludicrous that it still exists in this day and age and all the blokey types darent speak out against it bizarrely.

ANYWAY THO ths is getting really long so to save me more fervernt and passioned rambling the bottom line is that kind of stuff is a Shame to see in the year of our lord 2k16 for a whole bunch of reasons and is completely unacceptable imo. i wish i could hit her with a big q-tip gladiators style to make up for her outdated attitudes and im sorry it had to happen to you and i hope it doesn't put you off further persuits in the bizarre and hilariously/tragically ludicrous world of gender stuff.

also sorry everyone else for the feminist meltdown carepost. i just have a lot of Feelings about this kind of thing.

You could try sumo deadlifts if you're having problems unless you're comfortable with the conventional deadlift tho. Is your back hurting because it's curving or an external thing because you really don't want to damage your lower back because it can hurt for months.

its a boring nerd story basically: so i did a weights but we have an ASDA delivery coming tommorow with quite a few bottles of beer in it (4 ales for £5 eyyyyyy current best deal outside of dragging them back from lidls) and i always love helping carrying the crates from the truck thru our gate into the house even tho they're meant to do that. cos i love to lift a heavy thing cos it feels good n nice and also its also Helping Out the people who have to do this crap all day non-stop and it makes their lives easier. so its win/win 4 me.

trouble is every time i do it anywhere near weights day (roughly twice) i have put my back out for a few days cos im too overeager or ive moved wrongly or the joints just want to hurt cos im foreverially a dumb spazmo baby. and im trying to Get Stronger to fend it off better but its a struggle i.e. my uni graduation photo where i am dual wielding wrist braces cos i will never escape Nerdlinger Hell agghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHH

tl;dr: i will probably put my back out helping the asda delivery men tommorow cos im a big dumb idiot but if i do at least i got a brace to help this time unlike before where its just a lot of me going "omg im gonna die why am i such a stupid buttlord"
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 04:45 by LOOK AROUND YOG. »

Offline Kpyna

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1419 on: February 06, 2016, 23:59 »
today i got home from a trip to venice that took 18 hours from start to finish and i get home and i'm like, "oh i need a shower" and shower then cook some food then my (almost slipped an expletive there) roommate that i am really growing to despise come in while im eating my eggs and is like, "YOU NEED TO DO A BETTER JOB CLEANING YOUR HAIR OUT OF THE SHOWER" and comes back with like 5 pieces of my hair and shoves them in my face and i'm like "um ok sorry" like if you wanna see all the hair i cleaned out of shower check the trash, it would blow your mind, i lose SO much hair in the shower its really hard for me to get it all out and i wish she just said "hey you know i noticed some hair in the shower and its gross so you should clean it lol" cause i would have got up and CLEANED IT NO PROBLEM

and then i do my dishes (which she never does :D) and then i'm like, "hey sorry if i sounded curt about the hair thing earlier haha i'm sorry its hard for me to get it all and im really sleep deprived at the moment" and she just looks up at me and goes "mhm" and back down to looking at her laptop

like holy moly petition to kick this girl out on the street. everyone that i live with tries so hard to be nice to her despite the fact she's perpetually awful. the girl who shares a bedroom with her had to split a closet and she mistakenly thought it would be a fair 50/50 and then this girl (her name is shay) ended up moving her clothes into her section of the closet to take up like 2/3rds of it. then had the nerve to ask for more space. then when the girl refused shay's like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO COMPROMISE"

i seriously wish we could like... do something about her... but the housing arrangement is final. worst part is she NEVER leaves the apartment! she told me she pays thousands on top of her tuition to come to Italy and does nothing but skype her boyfriend and parents all day long in the apartment. i wish she stayed in the US more than anything especially since she likes to not shut up about how great new york city is, especially when i'm trying to concentrate on homework! unsurprisingly, the girl has no friends here so far

we even try to invite her out because we're like, "well maybe she doesnt like to go it alone" and she sits there looking super bored the whole time. like i have had some roommates i didn't really like but i'm contemplating going down to a church sometime soon and praying she just leaves lol

Offline SirBlaziken

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1420 on: February 07, 2016, 03:16 »
^Or maybe you and everyone else should make it completely unbearable and make her want to stop living with you guys. I would suggest murder but I don't condone that kind of stuff.

Playing my Nuzlocke on Ruby and letting my friend nickname my pokemon. Thanks to the nicknames he kept giving them I had to keep resetting and starting over. So far I have caught 5 pokemon, and lost 3 of them to critical hits (surprisingly not to Roxanne). Lastly, just as the silcoon I caught in the Petalberg Woods was about to evolve, said friend somehow wrestled it from me and pressed B, so I missed making it useful until level 12.
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Offline Inferna

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1421 on: February 07, 2016, 09:34 »
today i got home from a trip to venice that took 18 hours from start to finish and i get home and i'm like, "oh i need a shower" and shower then cook some food then my (almost slipped an expletive there) roommate that i am really growing to despise come in while im eating my eggs and is like, "YOU NEED TO DO A BETTER JOB CLEANING YOUR HAIR OUT OF THE SHOWER" and comes back with like 5 pieces of my hair and shoves them in my face and i'm like "um ok sorry" like if you wanna see all the hair i cleaned out of shower check the trash, it would blow your mind, i lose SO much hair in the shower its really hard for me to get it all out and i wish she just said "hey you know i noticed some hair in the shower and its gross so you should clean it lol" cause i would have got up and CLEANED IT NO PROBLEM

and then i do my dishes (which she never does :D) and then i'm like, "hey sorry if i sounded curt about the hair thing earlier haha i'm sorry its hard for me to get it all and im really sleep deprived at the moment" and she just looks up at me and goes "mhm" and back down to looking at her laptop

like holy moly petition to kick this girl out on the street. everyone that i live with tries so hard to be nice to her despite the fact she's perpetually awful. the girl who shares a bedroom with her had to split a closet and she mistakenly thought it would be a fair 50/50 and then this girl (her name is shay) ended up moving her clothes into her section of the closet to take up like 2/3rds of it. then had the nerve to ask for more space. then when the girl refused shay's like, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO COMPROMISE"

i seriously wish we could like... do something about her... but the housing arrangement is final. worst part is she NEVER leaves the apartment! she told me she pays thousands on top of her tuition to come to Italy and does nothing but skype her boyfriend and parents all day long in the apartment. i wish she stayed in the US more than anything especially since she likes to not shut up about how great new york city is, especially when i'm trying to concentrate on homework! unsurprisingly, the girl has no friends here so far

we even try to invite her out because we're like, "well maybe she doesnt like to go it alone" and she sits there looking super bored the whole time. like i have had some roommates i didn't really like but i'm contemplating going down to a church sometime soon and praying she just leaves lol

I feel your pain, one of my flatmates is like that!!

She left her dishes ~soaking~ for like 3 weeks in the basin like taking up half the sink and finally did them when we had a flat inspection. She's still not put her stuff away yet like I'm sure it's dry now???

She blares her music like most of the time, during the night it's even worse. I've started sleeping with headphones in just so I can actually sleep. I don't know if she's deaf or just likes people to hear her conversations but numerous times I've heard her angry Skype calls with her ldr boyfriend. The door slamming is the worst though like I'm sure she tries to wrench it off every time she opens it.

I don't even know what she's studying or if she even go to uni???? Like she's English so she's having to pay £9000 a year up here for her tuition so. I'm like 90% sure she's a daddy's girl/yah which is annoying lol

We should get them talking and then they can both move out together!

There's an American exchange girl in my class this semester and I think she's from Minnesota and studying in Massachusetts (or the other way around I can't remember lol). She was telling us about massholes and how great your state is Liz cause it's the only place you don't pay tax on purchases haha.
Besides from your awful flatmate how is it going studying abroad???

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1422 on: February 07, 2016, 15:15 »
i did nothing to celebrate mewtwo's birthday yesterday

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1423 on: February 07, 2016, 17:08 »
You did nothing to celebrate my birthday yesterday either but lol what can you do

Yes I am 19, give me my pension and Zimmer frame
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #1424 on: February 07, 2016, 20:36 »
19 isnt old youre still a gotdam toddler

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comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there
