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Random Randomness / Re: Does anyone here lurk anymore?
« Last post by RocketMember002 on August 12, 2022, 19:50 »
But yeah, as far as I'm concerned, it'll stick around for a long time. I'm not really investing in anything major, but let me know if there's something quick I can fix and if anyone ever wants to put anything up, I'm happy to do my best to help out.

That's great to know, old school forums like this are a great nostalgic blast from the past to read through!

Still waiting on Pokegame... 😜
Random Randomness / Re: Nostalgia Thread
« Last post by Just Briana on August 09, 2022, 15:41 »
I will forever log into this site just to see how many other people have been on it for so long. I was glued to this site when I was 13/14… turned 27 this year and had a daughter of my own. I can still remember this part of my life so vividly, will always be so special to me and all the friends I made back then! I constantly wonder about all of those really cool people I met who are all spread out all over the world. So surreal
Forum Games / Re: How known are you on this Site?
« Last post by Just Briana on August 09, 2022, 15:37 »
LOL 7/10 I remember you from years ago
Random Randomness / pain
« Last post by ZamasuNZK on July 26, 2022, 19:40 »
don't you hate when you send a question to sentret, close the tab and reopen not knowing that resends it? cuz that just happened to me
Debate / Re: Slowpoke and shelder
« Last post by Petzbreeder on July 25, 2022, 21:50 »
Such an occurance has never happened in the Anime before, as far as I'm aware. Maybe the Shelder is automatically released from the Pokeball of the other trainer when it bites Slowpoke's tail. I'd imagine Slowbro's trainer is the one who would keep it.
Debate / Slowpoke and shelder
« Last post by Kalosfan296 on July 24, 2022, 16:33 »
If somebodys shelder evolves another trainers slowpoke who keeps the slowbro?
General Pokémon Discussion / Nicknames for applin/flapple
« Last post by Kalosfan296 on July 24, 2022, 14:46 »
What should I name my soon to be flapple in my nuzlocke. I'm not the best when nicknaming
Random Randomness / Re: Does anyone here lurk anymore?
« Last post by Joeno on July 19, 2022, 08:09 »
I pop by every so often (increasingly sporadically now) to see if the site is still up - if nothing else it's a time capsule of a bygone era and I hope it sticks around.

i lurk now and then, but i weep for what once was. though surely this is super expensive for joeno (?) at this point... its been so many years.

It's a server I use for several different things, so the cost is priced in to me keeping several other things open. I got a decent deal on it, so it's pretty manageable at the moment. I try to fix problems where I can, but the site may have an issue occasionally (I still have a PHP 8 upgrade I need to do that requires a lot of code fixing).

But yeah, as far as I'm concerned, it'll stick around for a long time. I'm not really investing in anything major, but let me know if there's something quick I can fix and if anyone ever wants to put anything up, I'm happy to do my best to help out.

And as said, a lot of us hang out in Discord now. I'm not as visible, but reading along and dealing with bits where I can.

And I should figure out the Name Rater some day.
Random Randomness / Re: Does anyone here lurk anymore?
« Last post by sans the skeleton on July 18, 2022, 07:46 »
i lurk now and then, but i weep for what once was. though surely this is super expensive for joeno (?) at this point... its been so many years.

also petzbreeder you can put multiple lines on discord by holding shift as you press enter, it will make another line :)
Random Randomness / Re: Does anyone here lurk anymore?
« Last post by RocketMember002 on July 03, 2022, 18:17 »
I pop by every so often (increasingly sporadically now) to see if the site is still up - if nothing else it's a time capsule of a bygone era and I hope it sticks around.

My account will also be 20 in October, mad. To be 13 again with my biggest concerns being internet arguments over pokemon and hanging around on the IRC chat.
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