Author Topic: first world problems  (Read 438455 times)

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #600 on: August 24, 2015, 18:51 »
Guilt-tripped for flunking my A-levels.

Thanks aunt. You vile piece of scum.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #601 on: August 24, 2015, 19:28 »
I sneezed WHILE using the neti pot. Holy mother OW.
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Offline not chloe

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #602 on: August 24, 2015, 19:33 »
My Dad has had me doing solid filing work for ovef a week now. I'm just over half way through but man there are so many files and so many drawers it's taking forever. You wouldn't think a small business could have this much paper stashed away but you'd be surprised.

My hands are 95% paper cuts and 5% dirt, where is the freedom?
Credit to Inferna for the teacup Chatot

Offline sylar

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #603 on: August 24, 2015, 20:08 »
every time i come to this thread i just get so mad about that comment i pointed out last time honestly ooooooft no offence but sometimes yall really test me.

ok anyway my problem is i love irn bru but it gives me really bad stomach ache
also i bought ancillary justice last week but i aint started it yet bc im too easily distracted but im so ready to read about my genderless children.
also i made a new warrior in gw2 but i regret it because i could have.... made him a very versatile guardian. ugh. whats the point in having 2 warriors!!!!! why i do that.

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


Offline Inferna

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #604 on: August 24, 2015, 21:36 »
Just gonna stop asking my friends if they want to do stuff like why do I bother 90% of the time
how selfish of me to want to see all of my friends before I go away how very selfish!! it always seems to me that tries to make the effort too.
Same thing happened on my last two birthdays like for my 20th I was going to have a few drinks and go for a meal but that fell through. One of my friend's excuses was that she was fixing her car like ????
This year my best friend went to his 21st with his new bf instead of mine (I sound spoiled but bearing in mind we've been friends for like 17 years) even if he had shown face for half an hour but nope nothing. Another was sick which was understandable but
Been trying to arrange to meet up with two of them over the summer but there's always some excuse like I'm beginning to think they don't like me, I'm just the awkward 3rd friend when they're both together.
I honestly don't know why I bother I'm obviously just a selfish piece of crap and a doormat at that. But then I feel guilty for thinking this way bc I know some of them have stuff going on. I can't help overanalysing everything either like the ... at the end of the text suggests "no pls I would rather not"
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 21:38 by Inferna »

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #605 on: August 24, 2015, 22:30 »
i've been to two separate universities and nothing like that happens it isn't high school bc most of the people who'd do that kind of crap are too dumb to go to uni
every time i come to this thread i just get so mad about that comment i pointed out last time honestly ooooooft no offence but sometimes yall really test me.

I'll start by saying that when I originally saw Shaymin's comment it didn't sit right with me, and although I haven't got round to replying it until now it did play on my mind a bit. I do also think it'd be fair to give the benefit of the doubt and perhaps say it was lazily worded and came across wrong? However I do think there is a sort of cultural elitism that favours those that go to uni. Fair enough some of the most prestigious courses at the most prestigious universities require great logical minds that set you apart from the rest (in terms of academia) - but to dismiss those that can't, or perhaps choose not to, go to uni I find is quite an obnoxious view.

I think part of the problem stems from the way we're taught in school (at least from my experiences). You're told you start at nursery > primary > high school > college > uni or whatever without really being exposed to the alternatives. I have mates that dropped out in the first couple weeks of uni because it really just wasn't for them. Nothing to do with how smart or dumb they are. They're both working now and doing better than me aha. There shouldn't be a stigma attached to not going to uni, I for one have never felt above others because I'm doing a degree and they're not.

(apologies if I'm reading into your comment too much and broadening what you were meant to say, just thought I'd say what I think while we're here.

At uni you're gonna meet a lot of dickheads, but I suppose it varies from uni to uni, depending on who you hang around with, what kind of nights out you go on, where your uni is and how big your uni is. Someone at my uni had to drop out in freshers because he got his head kicked in and sustained pretty bad head damage. I doubt you'll see any second or third years picking on the first years physically, not because everyone's smart at uni (lol) but because in general most people grow out of that. Good people are good, arseholes are arsehols, regardless. :angel:

Everyone going to uni don't get yourself too worked up. It won't be as scary as you think, just make of it what you can. Personally it was the best choice I've ever made but on the opposite side of the coin don't be afraid to talk to someone if you don't like it - it's bound to happen to some people.


My first world problem now! I'm out of Rubicon. :tongue2:

Offline Shaymin

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #606 on: August 24, 2015, 22:42 »
^ in my first year at uni (if you can call one term/semester a year), 5 people in the corridor of 8 in my accommodation dropped out, including myself. mine was for mental health reasons, idk about others. i've just failed geography in my first year. idk if uni is the thing for me but i'm trying. idk i might just have been screwed over by being praised as a smart kid in primary and secondary school, zooming thru work to the point i didn't even have to try bc we were all being taught at the same pace regardless of ability. it really banjaxed me for the now, bc i'm lazy when it comes to studying. i try to study but i can't find anything that works.

bah i just hope games development works out :/ if it doesn't idk what's gonna happen. my dad might kick me out and i could end up homeless lmao (:

also i was sort of sad earlier bc the first puppy fell through (i called just too late to get the last one :() but on the flipside i'm getting a different one now all he needs is a name and picking names is hard until i meet the lil sprog

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #607 on: August 25, 2015, 10:21 »
There shouldn't be a stigma attached to not going to uni, I for one have never felt above others because I'm doing a degree and they're not.

I was at the local supermarket in the small town my parents live in and on the way out (I had my uni hoodie on) someone I know for a fact who is a dole dosser with her three demon spawn walked past me, scowled at me and called me a posh T.

Okay, firstly- It's the University of Wolverhampton. It's not exactly Cambridge. And second, why does the fact I worked hard in school to get to that point and I now no longer live in that pit make me 'posh'? Just because they had their chance and blew it doesn't make me any different.

I don't look down on those who went and became joiners, plumbers, electricians etc because they're valuable trades and those who do it tend to be good at it. I couldn't even think about doing anything they do. I don't look down on those who didn't go to uni and went into other jobs and work hard to pay their bills.

However, I have no time for those that can't be bothered. The ones who want to sit around doing nothing letting someone else pick up the bill.
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Re: first world problems
« Reply #608 on: August 25, 2015, 11:40 »
lmao talkin bout uni i found out i was a big dumb SpLD at uni and they gave me the bare minimum help they could get away with. the top uni's Special Needs depts are always terrible, never forget this.

jokes on them cos i stuck w/ it and still hobbled my broken braine thru to graduate with a 2:2 (cost me my sanity thereafter for ~a year or so, only just gettin out of it now) which aint much to other people but considerin i got that entirely myself w basically zero learning support or help from anyone else i think its an Achievement!!!!!!

my coursework was all Firsts and my labwork was firsts but exams were all embarassing seconds and thirds cos exams are hell for a dumbo like me and what do you know examined work is 75% of the overall degree!!!!!! //windows fanfare.wav//

in my next life tho im going Vocational cos damn if that aint where the Money is while u sweep out jobs from underneath all the useless graduates

^ in my first year at uni (if you can call one term/semester a year), 5 people in the corridor of 8 in my accommodation dropped out, including myself. mine was for mental health reasons, idk about others. i've just failed geography in my first year. idk if uni is the thing for me but i'm trying. idk i might just have been screwed over by being praised as a smart kid in primary and secondary school, zooming thru work to the point i didn't even have to try bc we were all being taught at the same pace regardless of ability. it really banjaxed me for the now, bc i'm lazy when it comes to studying. i try to study but i can't find anything that works.

the classic "kid told they're so special and intelligent all the time but it backfires when they get out into the big bad world cos they're not actually that special or intelligent, really" scenario. could it be.......YOU'RE "too stupid to go to uni"???

p.s. dont go for game development if ur like so much other "depressed"/"mental situation deliberately left ambigious" people and cba to study cos ohhhhh it makes me anxious or w/e and then the camera pans back and ur on ur 3rd twitch stream/guild raid of the night. game design will be a misery for you as well unless you get used to the idea you will have to study and Get good at a lot of stuff you dont find interesting cos thats basically what a degree is about! cos then it turns out all the boring stuff you hated is actually important/useful!!!! see also: common First Year Art Student archetypes.

uni is basically "can u study stuff and pass exams/do coursework with a ridic workload and also network" and all the students drink cos it is a living hell. the networking aspect is really important cos its true what they say, its not what you know but who you know.

p.p.s. cos im wonderful and amazing i'll give u this seed wisdom for free: if you really care about game development and it aint just a "maybe this will make me famous on youtube for minimal effort" pipedream download yourself the Unreal Engine 4 or the Unity 5 Engine, both free* engines that commercial game designers are using.
read tutorials etc. and make something. use blender and luxrender (also both free) for asset production if u dont want to shell out money for UE5/Unity's marketplace stuff. you will most likely need a Portfolio if you want to get into game design so you best start now

there are other game engines sure but UE4/Unity is the best start. lucky for you they moved onto a "charge the commercial users and let personal/hobbyist users off free" as a revenue-generating platform in the last half-year or so which means a lot of prospective game designers can get their feet wet before jumping in for a Commercial License. if that seems too much like a Fuss or its Too Hard then game development isn't for you either, unless you want to learn a programming language like c/c++/obj-c/java for mobile development (even tho unity and UE4 have mobile deployment iirc). hth!!!!!!!

* free until you want to start making Serious Bucks with the games u make

I was at the local supermarket in the small town my parents live in and on the way out (I had my uni hoodie on) someone I know for a fact who is a dole dosser with her three demon spawn walked past me, scowled at me and called me a posh T.

Okay, firstly- It's the University of Wolverhampton. It's not exactly Cambridge. And second, why does the fact I worked hard in school to get to that point and I now no longer live in that pit make me 'posh'? Just because they had their chance and blew it doesn't make me any different.

I don't look down on those who went and became joiners, plumbers, electricians etc because they're valuable trades and those who do it tend to be good at it. I couldn't even think about doing anything they do. I don't look down on those who didn't go to uni and went into other jobs and work hard to pay their bills.

However, I have no time for those that can't be bothered. The ones who want to sit around doing nothing letting someone else pick up the bill.

 ☑ bothered enough to be offended by some woman calling them a name to write bizarre rant about them
 ☑ only managed to get current job thru nepotism
 ☑ has Opinions about other peoples kids despite probably not having kids themself
 ☑ looks down on unemployed in weird dehumanising manner
 ☑ would probably be on the dole themselves if it werent for family
 ☑ rant actually just "screw the doley dossers" rant but badly disguised
 ☑ probably racist

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Offline sylar

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #609 on: August 25, 2015, 13:26 »
beth does it again i wish karma was still a thing tbh

the christians gave me
comic books as if i would
be scared of burning in hell
while i was already there


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Re: first world problems
« Reply #610 on: August 25, 2015, 13:52 »
Guys please play nicely. Healthy debate is fine, but please take it to Pm if you have a problem with someone. This is not the place, regardless of how right or wrong you feel someone is on the subject.

Please get back on topic or I will lock it.
Well did she make you cry? Make you break down?
Shatter your illusions of love?
And is it over now? Do you know how
To pick up the pieces and go home?

Offline Spriter

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #611 on: August 25, 2015, 14:07 »

Need to spend time getting all these damn album covers ready and such. iTunes loves to be a douche when it syncs.

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #612 on: August 25, 2015, 16:06 »
you guys never cease to amaze me...lmao chill down tho

ive got bronchitis or something crappy and not enjoying it!!!

Offline Shaymin

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #613 on: August 25, 2015, 20:34 »
augh jeez puppy's first poop was a stinker and INSIDE my lungs have died

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Re: first world problems
« Reply #614 on: August 25, 2015, 20:48 »
augh jeez puppy's first poop was a stinker and INSIDE my lungs have died

Does the pup have a name?

Also people are cause drama with me for something I didn't do and now I have even less friends than I had before
Credit to Inferna for the teacup Chatot