PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Flower Power
Episode Guides |
Flower Power

< Illusion Confusion! | Spinarak Attack >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Bellossom's Battle Dancing!
English Title
Flower Power
Spanish Title
El poder floral
French Title
Le pouvoir des fleurs
Italian Title
Il potere della danza
German Title
Flower Power
Who's that Pokémon?
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Still on their way to Violet City, Ash & Co. arrive in a town called Florando. They decide to go sightseeing. While walking along, Misty wonders what they should do first, when a girl comes up to them and hands them a leaflet telling them to go to the Pokémon Exhibition. Ash asks what it is, so she explains that every year trainers and Pokémon come from across the globe to put on Pokémon shows. Ash wonders if he would be able to do a show with his Pokémon. Misty asks him if he means a stage show, but he says that he means a television show. Misty asks him who would want to watch anything like that.

Arriving at the Pokémon Exhibition, the first thing they notice is a trainer having her Flareon jumping through a burning hoop. They also see an Oddish balancing on top of an Electrode, someone dancing with a group of Mankey, an Alakazam bending a giant spoon and a group of water Pokémon acting as a living fountain. While watching the fountain, Ash notices another performance a little further away; a couple of Bellossom jumping around. They decide to get a closer look. They watch the Bellossom for a while impressed. The trainer orders them to do a final trick, but it fails part way through sending one of the Bellossom flying through the air and landing in Ash's arms knocking him down. The trainer rushes over asking if he is alright and thanking him. As she is about to held Ash up, Brock grabs her hand and tries to chat her up, but Misty drags him away.

Later that day the trainer treats Ash & Co. to a drink as thanks, introducing herself as Bailey and her two Bellossom as Belle and Bella. Ash & Co. introduce themselves, and Ash asks if Bailey plans to try the trick with her Bellossom again the next day. She says that she had planned to, and that Belle used to do the trick perfectly, but as soon as they got to the Exhibition they started having problems with it. Belle turns away, ashamed, but Bailey tells it that they will keep doing their best, which Belle agrees to.

Also walking through the Pokémon Exhibition are Team Rocket. They decide to put on their own Pokémon show, showcasing a talking Meowth, but when they put Meowth on stage he clams up with stage fright. The crowd begins to get angry, so they decide to take a short break and rush backstage. They ask Meowth why he didn't say anything, so he explains that he didn't know what to say to the crowd. They tell him to say anything, but he refuses to do an unscripted performance. Slightly annoyed, Jessie writes him some jokes and they shove him back on stage. While they seem amazed by a talking Pokémon, unfortunately all of the jokes die and the audience begins to walk away. In an effort to reel the crowd back in, James give him another joke to tell, but Meowth gets the punch line wrong, and the last of the audience clear off. James and Meowth begin to argue, but Jessie interrupts, telling Meowth that they needed him to warm up the crowd so that after, Jessie and James could put on a dance performance. Thinking there may be another chance, Jessie starts concocting a plan.

A little while later they begin bulldozing their way through the crowd in a bulldozer (duh). Not far away, Ash hears this and runs in front of the bulldozer, causing them to stop. Team Rocket recites their motto, Jessie dressed as a Flamenco dancer and James as a Ballerina. Ash is about to send Pikachu to battle them, but Bailey steps in front, telling him that since the place they are in is reserved for the trainer and performers in the Exhibition, they will be the ones to defend it. One of the exhibitors orders his Alakazam to use Psychic, lifting the bulldozer in the air, tipping Team Rocket off and slamming it into the ground, destroying it. In retaliation, Jessie and James send out Arbok and Victreebell respectively. Bailey sends in Belle and Bella. Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting, but the Bellossom dodge it. James orders Victreebell to use Swords Dance, but they manage to dodge this as well. Jessie and James both order their Pokémon to use Wrap, but the Bellossom still manage to dodge them. Bailey then orders them to use Sleep Powder, putting Team Rocket's Pokémon to sleep. They pick their Pokémon up and run away, vowing to return for an encore. The crowd, seeing the battle, give Bailey and the other performers a round of applause.

That evening, while eating a meal in an alleyway, Team Rocket are reflecting over their recent defeat. A gust of wind blows down the alley, along with a flyer for a Pokémon Talent Exhibition scheduled for the next day. Realising that there are bound to be many talented Pokémon there for them to steal, the Trio begin to plan for tomorrow.

That night, underneath a bridge in town, Bailey, Ash & Co. are enjoying a drink while their Pokémon dance together. Ash asks her if she has always trained her Pokémon to dance. She explains that she started using the dancing as part of their training for battle, but when she noticed how much Belle and Bella enjoyed dancing she decided to concentrate on that instead on battling. Since then they have been communicating much better and have decided to train to become the best Pokémon dance troupe around. As she has told them all about her, she asks what their goals are, which they explain to her. Ash then asks how her Bellossom beat Team Rocket just by dancing, so she explains that battling, like dancing, requires good rhythm and footwork. She then invites them to watch them work out the next day, an invitation they accept.

The next morning, Bailey and her Bellossom teach Pikachu a few dance steps. After the lesson she tells it to remember them as they will be useful when evading an opponent in battle.

A little while later, Bailey and her Bellossom are ready to try their trick again; the Bell-Loop-De-Loop. Bailey instructs both Pokémon on what to do, then tells them to do it. Belle runs toward Bella. Bella flips her, but Belle falters in midair. Ash catches he just in time. Bailey tells Belle not to feel bad as they can just leave the Bell-Loop-De-Loop out of their routine.

The time of the Pokémon Talent Exhibition arrives, and a huge crowd gathers. What the crowd doesn't know is that the Talent Show presenters have been tied up under the stage; Team Rocket, in disguise, are running the show now. They introduce the contestants as the crowd cheers on. Up on the roof of the stage, Meowth throws a net down, trapping all of the contestant Pokémon. As the net floats upwards, pulled by the Team Rocket balloon, Jessie and James grab onto a rope and reveal themselves to everyone. Running onstage, Ash sends out Heracross and orders it to use it's horn, firing Pikachu up in the air and landing on the balloon. Ash orders it to use Thunderbolt, popping the balloon and sending it crashing back down to earth not too far away.

Everyone rushes to the crash site. Ash tells Team Rocket to return the Pokémon, but they refuse, sending out Arbok and Victreebell to battle. Jessie orders Arbok to use Poison Sting, but Pikachu, using it's newly learned dance steps, dodges the attack. James orders Victreebell to use Take Down, but it manages to dodge this as well. Jessie orders both Arbok and Victreebell to use Tackle at the same time, but Pikachu leaps out of the way and both Pokémon crash into each other. James orders Victreebell to use Wrap, which catches Pikachu off guard. Jessie orders Arbok to use Bite. While the battle is going on, Bailey rescues Belle and Bella from the net. Noticing Pikachu in danger, they launch a perfect Bell-Loop-De-Loop, knocking Arbok away before it can finish it's attack. Jessie recalls Arbok. Ash then orders Pikachu to use ThunderBolt, shocking Victreebell. Bailey orders Belle and Bella to team up and use Twister on Team Rocket, sending them blasting off again. After the battle, Bailey complements Ash, telling him that he would make a good dance trainer. She then asks Belle and Bella if they can manage a performance, like they have just done, at the Pokémon Exhibition. They nod at this.

At the Talent Show, Bailey and her Bellossom, perform their act, finishing with a perfect Bell-Loop-De-Loop. The crowd cheer and applaud.

And in town, Team Rocket are still in a spin it seems after Belle and Bella's Twister attack.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Flower Power Trivia:

 Bailey's two Bellossom used Twister in this episode - an attack they cannot learn.
 This episode's English title may refer to a slogan coined by pacifists protesting the Vietnam War.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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