PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Tunnel Vision
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Tunnel Vision

< No Big Woop! | Hour of the Houndour >
Johto Journeys
Japanese Title
Jigglypuff VS Snubbull!
English Title
Tunnel Vision
Spanish Title
Túnel a la vista
French Title
Le bout du tunnel
Italian Title
La galleria
German Title
Gefährlicher Tunnel
Who's that Pokémon?

Today on their journey, Ash & Co. are still making their way to Goldenrod City. Looking at the map, Brock tells them that they can make their way through a tunnel ahead called the Onix Tunnel. Misty doesn't think going through a tunnel full of Onix sounds very safe, but Ash points out that Onix are weak against Water Pokémon, saying that they can count on good old Squirtle. He then remembers that he no longer has good old Squirtle. Misty tells him not to worry; she has plenty of Water Pokémon that can do the job. Brock decides that it's getting too dark to go through the tunnel anyway and suggests they make their way through tomorrow. Ash and Misty agree and they carry on walking, unknowingly followed by Jigglypuff, and a little while later, Snubbull.

The next morning, Team Rocket go to make their way, reluctantly, through the tunnel. As they walk, a large group of Onix appear. James tells them to leave things to him, and sends out Victreebell. He orders it to use Razor Leaf, but the Onix are unaffected. They begin smashing against the tunnel walls, causing rocks to rain down on the Trio. Jessie sends in Arbok, but it gets squeezed by one of the Onix using Bind. She then picks Meowth up and throws him at the Onix, ordering him to help out. He tries to use Fury Swipes, but just bounces off of the Onix. They begin smashing into the walls again, forcing Team Rocket to escape the tunnel. Once outside, James suggests they use a Water Pokémon to get through the tunnel, but Meowth reminds him that they don't have one. Jessie reminds them that Misty has plenty of Water Pokémon, so they decide to try and steal on of hers.

Elsewhere, Ash & Co. are getting ready for the day, when they notice Snubbull wander by, recognising it as the one owned by Madame Muchmoney. As they wonder what it's doing so far away from it's home, it picks up a scent and runs off. They chase after it.

Somewhere in the woods, Team Rocket are crawling around, looking for Ash & Co.

Ash & Co. continue to chase after Snubbull, but it soon manages to evade them. Jigglypuff then appears and begins to Sing, sending them, the nearby Team Rocket, and Snubbull who was creeping up on Meowth's tail, to sleep.

After waking up, Snubbull notices Team Rocket, and specifically Meowth, have gone. As it looks for them, it sees it's reflection in a puddle and notices the scribbling on it's face. It walks a little further and finds Jigglypuff doing the same to a sleeping Pidgey. It goes up to it and steals it's microphone. As Jigglypuff tries to give chase, it trips up and Snubbull gets away.

Having also woken up, and cleaned the ink from their faces, Ash & Co. wander along, when they come across Jigglypuff again. Ash and Misty try to run, but Brock stops them, pointing out how unhappy it looks. They go over to it, noticing it doesn't have it's microphone, and asks it what's wrong. It explains, pulling a Snubbull face. They then decide to help it find it's microphone

After Jigglypuff wrecked their previous plan, Team Rocket try to think of another way to steal Misty's Water Pokémon. Jessie suggests a pitfall trap, but James and Meowth don't seem convinced. She pulls out a combination spade/pogo stick, and starts digging anyway. As they dig the trap, Snubbull creeps up and Bites onto Meowth's tail. Jessie picks it up, recognising it as the one belonging to Madame Muchmoney. James wonders if Snubbull has been following Meowth for some reason. Jessie suggests that it may be in love. James points out that it may make a good gift for the Boss, and Jessie says that it won't run away as long as they have Meowth with them. She is also happy to have a Pokémon that she can cuddle, thinking it will make her as likable as Misty if she has a cute Pokémon to hug too. Meowth gives them an ultimatum; it's him of the Snubbull. After thinking about it, they decide on Snubbull and wander away to finish digging their trap, leaving a dejected Meowth.

As they wander along, Ash & Co. notice baskets of fruit, conveniently sitting in the middle of the road. They recognise them as traps, but Jigglypuff runs forward, falling into one of the pits. Ash send Bulbasaur out, ordering it to use Vine Whip to rescue Jigglypuff. Angry, it runs towards another basket, but falls into another pit. Bulbasaur rescues it again, but it runs towards a fruit tree, triggering yet another pitfall. After setting off all of the traps, it angrily runs off, followed by Ash & Co.

Watching from the bushes, Jessie also gets angry; Jigglypuff has managed to ruin another one of their plans. James finally notices that Meowth is no longer with them. Snubbull then squirms out of Jessie's arms and runs off.

Elsewhere, Meowth wanders down a road, upset at having been rejected by his team

As they look for Snubbull and Jigglypuff's microphone, Misty voices her opinion that they may never find them. Hearing this, Jigglypuff wanders off, upset.

Sitting at the entrance to the Onix Tunnel, and too scared to try and venture through, Meowth realises that he's come to a dead end. Jigglypuff then wanders up, looking sad. He asks it what's wrong, so it explains. The talk for a while, sympathising with each other, before deciding to form their own team and try to make their dreams come true. Unfortunately, Snubbull then appears, biting onto Meowth's tail, with Jessie and James arriving a few seconds later. Meowth thinks they've been looking for him all along, but they tell him that they didn't even realise he was gone and that they only came looking for Snubbull. Jigglypuff, noticing it's microphone in Snubbull's paws, attacks, intent on getting it's property back. From the bushes, Pikachu sees this and runs off to find Ash. Jessie orders Meowth to help Snubbull, but he says that he was waiting for Jigglypuff to slap it silly. He tries to break the two up, but gets hit by Snubbull, he hits it back, but also catches Jigglypuff, causing it to attack him. The three get into an almighty fight before Ash & Co. come along and break it up. Upon seeing them, Team Rocket begin to recite their motto. Meowth tries to jump in at the end, like usual, but Wobbuffet cuts him off.

A battle begins, with Jessie sending in Arbok. Misty gets ready to call out a Pokémon, but Psyduck lets itself out. She recalls it, then sends in Poliwag. Arbok attacks, but Poliwag dodges, knocking it back with Water Gun. James sends out Victreebell and Ash calls out Chikorita. James orders Victreebell to use Razor Leaf, but Chikorita blocks the attack with Vine Whip. Ash and Misty order their Pokémon to use Razor Leaf and Doubleslap, knocking Team Rocket's Pokémon back. Jessie sends in Wobbuffet, ordering it to use Counter. It deflects a Vine Whip that Chikorita aims at it, but gets knocked back, along with Team Rocket's other Pokémon by Poliwag's Water Gun. Ash orders Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, sending them blasting off again. Snubbull drops the microphone and runs off after them. Jigglypuff picks it up and happily begins to sing, sending Ash & Co. off to sleep again. Angered, it draws on their faces and heads off into the Onix Tunnel. As it wanders along, a group of Onix appear, but it sings them to sleep.

After waking up and cleaning the ink off again, Ash & Co. start their walk through the Onix Tunnel. Ash hopes the Onix don't bother them, but Brock assures him that as long as they leave them alone, they should do the same to them. Besides, Misty has her Water Pokémon at the ready. As they near the end of the tunnel, they notice the Onix all asleep and with scribbles on their faces. Brock points out that the tunnel probably made it's song echo, making the effects stronger.

A little while later, Team Rocket make their way through the tunnel. They notice the Onix, recognising Jigglypuff's handiwork. As they walk through, Jessie trips, waking the Onix. As the Onix surround them, Jessie begins to wish that this was one of the times they were blasting off.

This episode guide has been written by The Librarian.

Tunnel Vision Trivia:

 This episode features the most amount of Jigglypuff songs - Ash, Misty and Brock hear it twice, Onix hears it's once and Team Rocket hear it once.
 This episode is the first time Wobbuffet shouts out it's name during the Team Rocket motto.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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