Season |
Kanto Battle Frontier |
English Title |
Harley Rides Again! |
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Having crossed Pot Pouri Island, the gang have arrived in Wysteria Town, where May hopes to win the contest there. With Munchlax on her side, she's certain she won't experience a repeat of the last time.
May plans to use Squirtle in the first round and Munchlax in the second. Meanwhile, Brock's Bonsly attracts the attention of many girls, and also of Harley. Harley insists that he'll beat May - May reveals that she has two ribbons, but Harley has three. He marches away, and the gang offers her encouragement.
Harley passes a stall, where Team Rocket are in disguise. They offer him advice, but he refuses, not wanting any association with "losers", as he puts it.
The contest begins, and May sends out Squirtle. It uses its Rapid Spin and Bubble as a combination. It finishes with an Ice Beam, popping the bubbles and creating a beautiful fountain effect.
Several other contestants take to the stage, and eventually, it's Harley's turn. He sends out Ariados, who uses its Spider Web, then climbs to the top, bungee jumping from the top. It spins a successful Scary Face, but as Harley's about to finish his performance, Wobbuffet crashes through the roof. Wobbuffet runs away, scared by Ariados's Scary Face
The results come in, and Harley is second - to May. The second round begins, and Munchlax uses a Solar Beam, counteracting a Politoed's Water Gun.
Outside, Wobbuffet has arrived back at Team Rocket; we learn that Wobbuffet fell from the balloon. Ash and Pikachu have followed, and the Rockets explain that they merely want May to win to make Harley look bad. Ash notices that they have a cage full of stolen Pokémon, and instructs Pikachu to Thunderbolt them.
Back at the contest, the final round begins between May and Harley - Munchlax versus Octillery. Munchlax prepares a Focus Punch, but Octillery prevents it with a Constrict. Munchlax tries to prepare another Focus Punch, but Octillery takes care of things with an Octazooka attack. Munchlax tries to prepare a Solarbeam, but Octillery uses its Sludge Bomb. Realising that her strategy isn't working, May takes a gamble, ordering Munchlax to use its Metronome. It appears that the move fails ... but suddenly, a Thunder attack hits Octillery. Seeing it look tired, Harley orders Octillery to use Rest. May orders Munchlax to Tackle it while it sleeps, with a Focus Punch to follow, and another Tackle attack to finish ... but then Octillery wakes up, and uses its Octazooka to finish the fight.
Harley is awarded the Wysteria Ribbon. May mentions that she learned a lot, and Lillian the organiser tells her that the next contest is on Chrysanthemum Island. She also receives an anonymous rose with a letter, promising to be at the next contest - the gang assume it's from Drew.
This episode guide has been written by Iceduck.
Characters appearing in this episode
Pokémon appearing in this episode
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