Season |
Indigo League |
Japanese Title |
Hypno and Pokémon Hypnotism!? |
English Title |
Hypno's Naptime |
Dutch Title |
Een slaperig stadje |
Spanish Title |
Siesta hipnótica |
French Title |
Sommeil sur la ville |
Italian Title |
Un mistero da svelare |
German Title |
Hypno's Nickerchen |
Who's that Pokémon? |
Psyduck |
![]() | See pictures from this episode - click here! |
![]() | This episode is
essential viewing because: Misty (accidentally) catches a Psyduck. |
Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu are in Celadon City when suddenly a weird woman runs up to Ash, calling him Arnold, and hugs him! Ash says he isn't Arnold. The woman says her son Arnold disappeared 3 days ago. She also says that lots of other kids have disappeared as well. They see dozens of posters of missing kids on a wall. Officer Jenny is putting up some more. She can't figure out what happened.
Brock says this Jenny is the prettiest yet and Misty again points out they all look exactly alike. Brock tells Jenny he wants to help her. She says he'll only get in the way.
Ash says Arnold's mom reminds him of his mom. She's so worried. Ash says he'll try to solve the mystery. Jenny says all the kids disappeared three days ago and they don't have anything in common. They decide to ask the kids at the Pokémon Center. Jenny is asking two kids, who say they don't know. Brock says they better answer truthfully for this beautiful lady. Brock: "You do think she's beautiful, don't you?" Jenny: "Okay, now you're getting in the way!"
Ash and Misty ask Nurse Joy, but she says she has her hands full with her own mystery. All the Pokémon are behaving strangely! She shows them a Cubone and an Oddish. They're completely out of energy! Even a Magikarp is, while they are usually very lively. The flame on a Charmander's tail could go out any moment. And there's one that keeps holding its head, a Psyduck. It all started 3 days ago. There must be a connection!
A beeping sound comes from Jenny. She pulls out a weird device. Brock says it must be a handsome guy detector. Jenny says not to kid himself. She says it's a sleep wave detector. It's coming from outside! Suddenly, Pikachu faints. They need to find the source.
We see Team Rocket, also with a detector. They're going to the find the Pokémon that's emiting the waves and use it to put the Boss to sleep. Then they'll finally get a vacation.
Ash, Misty, Brock, and Jenny come to a huge scyscraper. The waves are coming from inside. They go into the elevator. The beeping gets faster as they go up. They come to the very top. There's a mansion on the roof and the waves are coming from inside. Ash runs over to the door and the others follow. He and Brock ram through the door into a huge room filled with people. There are a Drowzee and a Hypno on a table in the center. Jenny says that the sleep waves are coming from this building. A man says they must be coming from Hypno. It evolved from Drowzee 3 days ago.
The man says the people are all members of the Pokémon Lovers Club. They are all insomniacs, so they use Hypno's powers to go to sleep instead of sleep medicine. Ash shows them Pikachu, who's out like a light. It must be a side effect. Brock says Hypno's powers were altered to affect humans, but now it still affects Pokémon and kids who might be sensitive to it. Misty decides to test that. She has Hypno use its powers on her. She starts acting like a Seel! She runs out of the mansion and Ash, Brock and Jenny chase her.
Misty runs through a park in the center of the city. They follow her to a lake. It has all the missing kids and they all think they're Pokémon! The man says they have Pokémonitus. Jenny tries to wake them up, but they won't. The man says they should use Drowzee to try and wake them up, because its sleep waves would counter-act Hypno's. They take Misty back to the mansion. They have Drowzee use its powers and she falls asleep. It claps, and she wakes up, back to normal. They go to take Drowzee to the kids in the park.
Team Rocket appears on gliders. They say their lines and land. Well, James crashes. They're going to take Drowzee and Hypno! They say if Hypno can hypnotize anything, try this, and James holds up a mirror to it. Hypno tries to, but it doesn't work. Jessie and James grab Drowzee and Hypno with whips. Misty sends out Staryu and it cuts the whips. Ash sends Pidgeotto and it blows Team Rocket away.
They take Drowzee to the kids in the park. It does the same thing it did to Misty. All the kids get back to normal. The kids leave. We see the woman they saw before hug her kid, Arnold, who looks a lot like Ash.
They take Drowzee to the Pokémon Center and it turns all the Pokémon back to normal. Ash wonders what Pokémon dream about. Brock says they must dream about becoming stronger and evolving. Then Misty say she dreams about that too.
Joy is still upset. The Psyduck is still holding its head. Brock says he'll help. He's not sure what to do, though.
As they leave, Psyduck is following. They tell Misty to handle it, since its a water Pokémon. Ash's Pokedex says that Psyduck always suffers from a headache. Misty gets angry. She trips and falls and one of her Poké Balls rolls towards Psyduck. It presses the button, and Psyduck is caught! Misty gets really upset.
This episode guide has been written by flik.
Hypno's Naptime Trivia:

Characters appearing in this episode
Pokémon appearing in this episode
Pidgeotto belonging to Ash
Pikachu belonging to Ash
Psyduck belonging to Misty
Staryu belonging to Misty
Moves used in this episode
Items seen in this episode
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